Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

  • This page contains the latest 2024 Release Notes chronologically for Work place, Admin panel, FMA, and Customer portal.
  • The Planned releases* overview gives you a glance at all the planned changes for the next release.
  • If you want to know what long-term features Fieldcode plans, please visit the Upcoming Features page.
    *Note: There is no guarantee that all listed items in the Planned Releases table will be included in the final release.
    The Planned Releases table is typically available shortly after a release and is updated on a ongoing basis before the final release.

Upfront Information

We will introduce the possibility to rename or delete attachments from a ticket
This gives you more freedom to work with Attachments inside the Attachments tab of the Ticket Details. Please note for now, that it won't be possible to rename and delete attachments from within the FMA app. This feature will for now be only possible inside Work place. We eventually plan to introduce later.
We plan to start replacing Aliases on filters with "Fieldspec" in order to be more consistent
These changes will make Fieldcode even more dynamic and help with consistency.

Planned Features

We plan to add enhanced filters which will allow you to create more complex filters than ever before
There will be the possibility to use brackets and combine filters more flexibly.
We will introduce a possibility for all the users to create and manage their private views (only accessible by that particular user)
Private views allow you to create your very own personal views, which only you can see.

Planned Improvements

We will add additional error/warning messages for specific instances
These changes will make the behavior of the optimizer even more understandable.
We will make improvements to the workflow nodes settings
These changes will make workflows even more understandable.
We will make improvements to the workflow destination paths
These changes will make workflows even more understandable.
We will enhance the optimizer's business logic to ensure that when the "Fixed tickets stay on Timeline" slider is set to "10," it means that Fixed and Proposed tickets must stay on Timeline, without any exceptions
This change ensures that the optimizer's goals are met to full satisfaction.

Planned Fixes

We will fix the selection of projects for custom ticket info types so that it is only visible for the selected project
We will fix a UI issue that caused absences to extend off the Timeline
We will fix an issue with the floating Ticket Details page to display the in pending until and reason as expected
We will resolve an issue that had inadvertently removed an engineer from a ticket in a specific situation
We will fix an issue where absences were not displayed correctly on the Timeline


You are now able to add/remove skills to tickets directly from the Ticket Details component
This inline-editing functionality adds a new layer of flexibility for Work Place.
We have added a new tab for "Private Notes" and a new interaction button for creating "Private Notes"
Please be aware that this newly introduced interaction button has replaced the "Add Comment" option inside the Attachment tab of the Ticket Details which is no longer available for further usage. Existing Public notes have been converted to internal ticket infos and are displayed in the History tab.
We have a new Drilldown report inside the Optimizer Insights, highlighting driving details before and after optimization
This new report gives you valuable insights into the optimization performance
We have redesigned the Workflows menu inside Admin panel
You are now able to view existing workflows in a more sophisticated manner.
We have added new column-based filtering available for every table inside the Admin panel
This functionality enhances the search functionality inside the Admin panel.
"Today", "Today +", and "Today -" have been added as dynamic conditions for ticket scoring
This gives you more flexibility for the configuration of ticket scores.
Admins are now able to decide which Work place views are visible to what roles and what are the default Work place view for each role
The new feature gives Admins more control on the Work Place views for different roles.
We have added the "TicketSubcategory" for use as a monitored field for Automated Actions
This feature enhances the flexibility inside the Automated Actions.
FMA App iOS/Android: You are now able to receive push notifications, even when the app is completely closed
With this change in notification behavior, we have also removed the possibility to chose between different notification types in the Settings menu of the Fieldcode FMA app. Instead, you are now able to allow or deny all notifications at once in the general device notification settings.


Email input and SMS input on Work place got a new overhauled look
These changes will lead to an improved dropdown behavior and there will no unnecessary chips anymore.
Improvement of translation input on various pages of the Admin panel
This UI/UX change helps to further achieve a consistent experience.
"@AffectedPhone" is now available for the creation of Automated Actions for SMS as well as being available on the SMS tab of the Work place
Having the "AffectedPhone" alias available makes sense for the configuration of such actions.

Performance Updates

We have reduced the amount of Ticket Pool backend events
This reduction of events leads to a better overall performance of Work place.


We have fixed the view and edit permissions for the "Action Icon: Partners" and "Action Icon: Grab it" so that when only the view is selected, you can no longer click on the buttons, only view them
The "is null" and "is not null" operators have been fixed and can be used for filtering Dispatch groups
We have improved the searching for fields on the forms page
We have fixed the problem where long texts would overlap other fields inside the Device tab of the Ticket Details
We have fixed the translations on the Skill creating form inside Admin panel
FMA app Android: We have fixed the issue with pop-up forms not popping up for some Android users
FMA app iOS: We have fixed an issue where checklist names wouldn't display the full naming
FMA app iOS: We have updated some incorrect translations inside the Parts menu


New Analytics reports showcasing the FMA app usage within your company splitted by platform (iOS/Android)
We have a new report available for you, where you can check how your FMA app user base splits up by platform and version. This new report supercharges you with the power to analyze your FMA app user base and take important business decisions, like eg. which users have to update their app version etc. pp.
We are introducing custom lists which can be used for multiple purposes (eg. site lists) later on
The new section "Lists" will be available inside the Admin Panel and adds a new layer of flexibility.
We are introducing the possibility to create your own custom ticket info types via Value Sets
A custom ticket info has the same behavior as Internal info.
Ticket history entries are now fully translated to other languages
The Ticket history entries will be translated in 7 different languages.
Cooperation partners are now able to transfer attachments between each other
This change further enhances the interplay between cooperation partners.
The CustomerLSDT alias is now available for usage inside Email templates, Automated Actions, other Filters, and monitored fields
The alias helps in the case that customers need to send emails in case that the Customer LSDT has been changed or has been added.
Checklists are now available for Drag & Drop on all form types/actions in Form Designer
You can include checklist fields in all the forms of your choice but will not work if a report is not yet created for the ticket. The reason behind this logic is that some fields are bound to a specific object that may not just exist yet.
System mandatory fields are now deletable
Deleting system mandatory fields might be required for some special cases.
We have improved the way how you can set default values on forms
This makes adjusting value set options inside forms more straight forward.
Interface forms are now a dedicated feature for Enterprise customers
Since Interface forms mostly affect heavy-users, they are now Enterprise only.
FMA app Android/iOS: GPS coordinates are now displayed in the FMA for GPS-based tickets
This change is in symbiosis with the new GPS field option inside Admin Panel and Work Place.


We have unified the switches across Work Place and Admin Panel
This UI/UX change helps to further achieve a seamless experience.
Date (calendars) and time pickers with better visuals and validation indicators
This convenient change enhances the calendar experience across Work Place.
FMA Android: We have improved the barcode scanner
It now displays better in dark mode and should be now less sensitive to better prevent unintentional scans.
FMA app iOS: We have improved my day to count and display the pause time like it works with the work time
This makes using the pause timer more intuitive.

Performance Updates

We have improved the Work Place Performance even further by reducing the amount of calls to the backend


We have fixed the search for the validations aliases/fields
This change makes searching for validation aliases/fields easier.
FMA app Android: The filtering icon is now better visible in dark mode
Unfortunately the icon wasn't displaying correctly when in dark mode.
FMA app Android: We have improved the clustering of map markers when they are close together
It is now easier to view details of markers.
FMA app Android: We are now better at preventing double-uploading attachments if a ticket is unpublished
It could happen before that files reached Work Place twice.
FMA app iOS: We have fixed some issues with hyperlinks, so they will now work as expected
Sometimes the links wouldn't open correctly, that will be fixed soon.


You are now able to define custom Customer Portal profiles and you can assign individual projects to them
The idea is to add the possibility to create additional Customer Portal profiles which can be project specific.
We have incorporated the engineer efficiency factor into customer appointment cancellations
After this change, if the dispatcher manually modifies the duration on the Timeline and it gets rescheduled, it doesn't keep the modified appointment length, instead it purely bases on the estimated duration and engineer efficiency.
We have removed the adding "comments" functionality
Instead of the comment function, you can simply add "internal ticket info" inside COMS. The COMS button displays the "internal ticket info" as default option.
New fullscreen form designer
The form creator (soon be renamed to form designer) gets a new fullscreen experience which makes better usage of the available screen space.
Ticket history filters are now filtering for selected types, instead of excluding the selected type
When all is selected, clicking on a history entry type should filter for that type only. Therefore we renamed the "Select all filters" to "Reset" instead.
We are introducing a new "Comment" field for on-call duties
If utilized, it displays on the Timeline ahead of the time range.
We have added a new optional "Automatically assign follow-up tickets to the same engineer" toggle to the Projects page
This toggle inside the Projects page allows you to change the behavior of follow-up tickets.
In "Create Ticket" forms, you are now able flag ticket creation as gps-based and if so, by only providing GPS coordinates (latitude, longitude), you are able to create tickets
GPS coordinates are visible in the Ticket Details header in the Location section.
You are now able to clone existing tickets inside the Work Place via a new action button
Before this works, you have to configure a new type of form inside the Admin Panel, which is called "Clone form". You can open the clone form from the Ticket Details, with the same data pre-filled as the prior ticket. There is also a new permission for this cloning available inside the Permissions page.
We have improved the container ticket planning for multi-day tickets by adding an easy-to-use multi-day toggle inside the Scheduling Assistant
Adding multi-days has been possible before, but it now is way more convenient.
FMA Android/iOS: Improvements on card views by adding CNE information and switching to a more convenient and compact card layout
FMA Android/iOS: History log entry labels are now displayed on the FMA similar to the Work Place
This makes history logs clearer and more understandable.
FMA Android/iOS: We have added support for 7 additional languages
By default the device language would be set to FMA language. If the device language is different to user language we offer FMA users to update the user language as well, which will apply to all devices and platforms. Especially the english and german translations are now way more understandable. We will constantly try to improve our wording and translations for our global users on an ongoing basis to make all our app users from all over the world even happier.


We have improved the engineer utilization indicators
For one we got rid of the "Engineer takes longer than expected" message, as it often does not reflect real-life scenarios. For another we have changed the calculation scope for the date selected on the Timeline header instead of the one currently visible Timeline time slot. The Workload indicator calculation base shall be the number of working hours on selected date and all inside-outside working hours stops and driving are to be included. Absences come into picture and in case absences overlap with working hours they are treated as engineer is utilized on the overlapping time. The same applies to Workload calendar calculations.
We have removed non-valid field forms from the Intervention report section
Inactive engineers are not visible on the map anymore after they have been deactivated
This change also ensures that the statistical data for Analytics is less prone to display falsified data.
Enhanced smartness: When parts get canceled, a PUDO appointment change / PUDO appointment cancellation is triggered
When PUDO appointment has only one part which is canceled --> PUDO appointment is automatically canceled. When PUDO appointment has multiple parts, and one part is canceled --> canceled part gets removed from PUDO appointment, PUDO appointment stays on the Timeline on the same spot.
Inside the ticket scoring, you are now able to set new dynamic ticket conditions for ticket aging
Those new dynamic conditions are called "TicketCreationTime" and "TicketImportTime" and allow you to dynamically filter by ticket creation time and ticket import time.
On "Optimize Now", in case we have tickets, and PUDOs on the Timeline already, optimization does not start from fresh but from current Timeline and bring it as first result and try to bring in only better ones
This helps to see acceptable results faster then before.
We have expanded the character limit for URLs inside the "External API" automated action to over 200 characters
This gives you more flexibility inside the Automated Actions.
New column inside the Account Partners page which indicates if the partner is a Partner Portal partner
This makes it easier to spot Partner Portal partners at first glance.
A new confirmation pop-up message now appears asking you to acknowledge that a Skill Mapping email will be sent to your partner
This makes skill mapping processes between partners more convenient.
FMA Android: Headers now stick to the top as you scroll through the appointments/parts/archive lists
FMA Android: CNE is now displayed on the associated appointment cards
FMA Android: We have improved empty lists so that they will display some helpful info messages
FMA Android: "Pull to refresh" now also works on the Parts screen
FMA Android: The layout of the PUDO / appointment cards has been improved and adapted to make them easier to read

Performance Updates

We have improved the Work Place Performance even further by reducing the amount of calls to the backend


We have fixed an issue where pop-up forms would be converted to generic forms that share the same from type
We have fixed an issue that caused empty intervention creation when a cooperation ticket has been closed
We have fixed an issue that was causing the "Mandatory" indicator not to display inside forms when multiple icons are in the row
We have fixed an issue issue with page crashing when trying to use the search function
We have fixed an issue where the appointment cancellation wasn't working for some container tickets
We have improved the visibility of map route pins so that they are always displayed over the ticket pin
We have improved the validation error messages to provide clearer reasons for failure when trying to create project SMTP settings
We have added proper error messages when trying to upload attachments inside the Ticket Details that are too large
We have fixed an issue inside Forms where some radio selections inside "Ticket categories value sets" could get unselected unintentionally
We have fixed an issue that could cause the application to crash when multiple users are using the same custom view on Work Place
FMA Android: We have fixed the view for parts to reflect the status correctly
FMA Android: We have fixed non-clickable links in the text on the appointment history screen to be clickable
FMA Android: After receiving a part, the quick action tile now closes automatically
FMA Android: Buttons are now visible without having to scroll back to the top of the part detail view
FMA iOS: Default part workflow status have been missing on part details and list views until now, they have been added
FMA iOS: We have limited the "User has been logged out" notification, which appeared several times, to a maximum of one notification


We have improved the warning and critical timers to allow you to set days or hours, not just minutes
This gives you more granular control over to whom the Ticket Info tab should be displayed.
You are now able to restrict access with the "See all tickets" permissions for the Ticket Pool
We have added a new analytics report displaying the historical results of optimization
This new report compares results before and after optimization.
You are now able to upload a custom logo to be displayed on Work Place and Admin Panel
Customizing the Work Place and Admin Panel with your own logo is an easy way to promote and keep your brand identity across the Fieldcode applications.
We have added more options to customize appointment bookings that are dependent on the engineer and parts availability
We now display the customer the last parts ETA (and offer appointments after ETA) and allow account to configure engineer/part availability in Admin Panel.
Custom fields created with the User object are now visible and usable on the Access: Users -> Contact page
This will help in further fulfilling operational needs.
You are now able to create forms for Interfaces to use in your workflows
This feature increases the convenience when it comes to data and value updates and simplifies the interplay between interface tickets and account tickets.
We have added more mapping fields that can be used to import tickets from an Excel file
SLA, Additional address info, Coverage code, Specification reference, CNE parent, and Device supplier
FMA Android/iOS: The map in the App now displays multiple appointments from the same location
FMA Android/iOS: Ticket reference is now being kept after ticket has been removed from the App and the CNE will remain visible
FMA Android/iOS: Child ticket reports for container tickets are now available for usage during an appointment rather than during the reporting phase
FMA iOS: New filtering options for the history section are available


We have improved the calculations for tickets that have been moved to the pending list
You are now able to set days or hours, not just minutes. This change also harmonizes with SLA Profiles.
We have moved the Admin Panel button to the bottom of the sidebar
This has added more overview to the sidebar and makes switching to Admin Panel exactly as convenient as from switching from Admin Panel to Work Place.
We have improved the notification of success/failure when trying to send an email from the Ticket Details component
This makes it easier to understand if an email has been sent or why not.
When navigating to the Intervention tab in the Ticket Details component, the current appointment now automatically expands without having to click on it
This makes handling current appointments more convenient.
We now provide a new dropdown option to view tickets in the Ticket Pool that do not have an assigned Dispatch group
This makes it easier for you to find tickets that do not belong to any dispatch group.
We have added the Partner field to use for filtering your forms
With the partner field you have new flexibility options inside the form creator.
UX/UI improvements to the Partner Portal
The Partner Portal got a new, convenient and responsive Look & Feel.
When a link is inserted as a value in a standard field or custom field, it automatically converts to a clickable link, not just a display value link
Clickable Links make handling inside the Work Place easier, as you do not need to copy them somewhere else manually in order for the link to open.
The storage time is now conveniently displayed inside the part details
As the storage time is a important parameter, it deserved its own spot.
We have updated and improved all of the icons throughout Work Place and Admin Panel
New year, updated icons.
FMA Android: Improvements to dark mode including adding dark mode for the map
FMA Android: For all read-only fields, values saved as links are now converted to clickable hyperlinks on the report form and in info messages
FMA iOS: For all read-only fields, values saved as links are now converted to clickable hyperlinks on the report form and in info messages
FMA iOS: CNE is now visible on the appointment card. We have added unread indicators to the card. For VIP or escalated tickets have improved visuals


We have fixed various UI issues for the Driving preferences section
We have fixed some issues with the search functionality for some Admin Panel pages
We adjusted all filters so that all filters have the same look and feel
We have fixed a problem where long custom fields would overlap with the value on the ticket overview page
Quicklaunch forms are now automatically displayed on each new status, without having to reopen the ticket
Partners are now editable after being set to inactive
We have fixed issues with long text fields breaking the UI
We have fixed a problem where when you clicked on the Extend condition button, it would create multiple rows instead of just one row
FMA Android: We have fixed an issue with a custom fields info messages not being displayed, they now display as expected
FMA iOS: We have fixed issues with updating the status after a part has been changed to received status
FMA iOS: We have fixed an issue with the keyboard not displaying correctly
FMA iOS: We have fixed an issue with long texts not displaying the whole message
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