Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

The Tickets Overview tab displays your tickets in a tabular view.
The Ticket map tab displays the tickets on a global map view.

What is the particular purpose of the Tickets Overview Report?
The tickets overview report displays an extensive overview of all tickets in the system.
The overview contains almost every data associated with a particular ticket (eg. street names, projects, categories, etc. pp.).
The tickets overview is a different way (compared to the Ticket Pool) to see Ticket Details more graphically processed.
You also have the option to export data from the tickets overview report (please scroll down to the section if you want to learn how to do it).

Who benefits most from the Tickets overview report?
This view has no specific person group and can be useful for almost everybody working with the Fieldcode system. Dispatchers and managers for example can both profit from ticket heat maps, while backend officers have detailed overviews of tickets in different statuses, that help them to optimize processes.

Deep-Link functionality
You can use the so-called deep-link functionality to quickly jump to a selected ticket in the Ticket Details component of Work Place directly from the Tickets Overview tab. 

Deep-Link buttons

You can decide for which groups, projects, and creation years you want to see ticket data. 
Also, you can check out the ratio of the various ticket status to each other.
You can also adjust the width of the displayed data.

  • You can check all individual ticket details of each ticket. You can find info about the CNI, a link to the ticket, the current status of the ticket, if the ticket has a VIP or Escalation status, the escalation reason and time, the project, the category, the subcategory, the Service Level Agreement, the current LSDT, the creation and closure time, the assigned dispatch group, the assigned engineer, the company, the city, the state, the ZIP code, the street, the street number, the country, the Device category, the device subcategory, the device model, the warranty, the category, the timezone, appointment cancellations, the last appointment from and to times, the total drive times, the total work minutes, and eventual partner assignments.

  • You can compare ticket amounts by status, sorted by creation date and status.

  • The slider gives you the option to adjust the time span (with the help of a left knob and a right knob).

  • Dispatch group filter

  • Project filter

  • Status filter

  • Ticket creation date filter

What is the particular purpose of this report?
top view is a visual alternative to the Ticket Pool component and Ticket Details component.
You can see all tickets and all ticket details in a huge slidable list view.
In the
bottom view, you can compare ticket amounts by creation date and status.
This gives you an easy and accessible way of comprehending ticket volumes per status, which is useful for optimizing business processes.

What information can you get out of this particular report?
Overview of all tickets and all ticket details.

What does all the information stand for and how to read it?
Total ticket volume: Volume of all tickets for all the time.

Which related reports might be taken into consideration to get a more clear/more detailed picture of the information?
The ticket map can assist you in understanding where the different tickets are located.

How can the report be customized using filters?
You can filter by dispatch group or dispatch groups.
You can filter by project or projects.
You can filter by status or statuses.
You can filter ticket creation dates (year, month).
You can combine all four filters to get your desired results.

Ticket Export Functionality
You can easily export tickets to examine them further in a calculation table program of your choice (e.g. Excel) or for billing purposes.

  1. Move your mouse to the upper-right top of the ticket overview table to reveal the context menu/more options menu.
  2. Left-click.
  3. Click on Export data.
  4. Choose which data you want to export (Default: Data with the current layout).
  5. Click the Export button.
  6. Your browser should now download a .xls file with all the ticket data included.
Tickets without assignments will not be displayed!

If you cannot find particular tickets in the table view, the cause might be that those tickets do not have assignments.

Exporting ticket data as .xls sheet

You can decide for which groups, projects, and creation years you want to see ticket data.
Also, you can check out the ratio of the various ticket status to each other.
You can also adjust the width of the displayed data.

  • Heatmap of tickets on a map

  • The scrollbar gives you the option to scroll through dates

  • Ticket count for selected analytic filters

  • Ticket creation filter

  • Dispatch group filter

  • Project filter

  • Ticket status filter

What is the particular purpose of this report?
To gain a visual overview of ticket hot zones. This could help to align dispatch groups better or help to draw general conclusions about where tickets are opened most.

What information can you get out of this particular report?
In the top view, the ticket amount is displayed visually. When zooming in you can even determine ticket amounts for example for a certain city.
When zooming out you can draw very general conclusions, like in which part of the country tickets are booked mostly.
In the bottom view, the ticket ratio of different statuses is displayed visually by color.

What does all the information stand for and how to read it?
Darker greenMore tickets
Lighter green = Fewer tickets
In the bottom view, the different statuses are indicated by different colors.

Which related reports might be taken into consideration to get a more clear/more detailed picture of the information?
The ticket overview can assist you in understanding what other information tickets from the heat map contain.

How can the report be customized using filters?
You can filter by ticket creation date.
You can filter by dispatch group or dispatch groups.
You can filter by project or projects.
You can filter by ticket creation date (year, month).
You can combine all four filters together to get your desired results.

The VIP tab displays the number of VIP tickets by company name and gives you detailed insights into the average duration and average driving times for those VIP tickets. Furthermore, a heat map displays hot zones for VIP tickets and there is a chart that shows the number of VIP tickets per device. 

  • VIP ticket amount per company

  • Heat map for VIP tickets

  • Detail view displaying average ticket durations and driving times for VIP tickets

  • VIP tickets per device

  • Dispatch group filter

  • Year/Month filter

What is the particular purpose of this report?
To make adjustments for different dispatch groups to focus different dispatch groups on more important VIP tickets.

What information can you get out of this particular report?
Every relevant information regarding VIP tickets.

What does all the information stand for and how to read it?
Numbers are used as units. The number stands for tickets.

Which related reports might be taken into consideration to get a more clear/more detailed picture of the information?
Tickets overview and ticket map in order to compare the amount and distribution of VIP tickets to regular tickets.

How can the report be customized using filters?
You can filter by dispatch group or dispatch groups.
You can filter by year and month.
You can combine the two filters.

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