Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

You want to learn in what ways the Scheduling Assistant can help you with the scheduling process?
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You can either use the Scheduling Assistant to schedule tickets or drag and drop a ticket directly from the Ticket Pool onto the Timeline.
Tickets can be scheduled from the Ticket Pool (Dispatch tab), Timeline, Map, and Ticket Details.
Scheduling tickets will not work from the General, Predefined, or Expert tab.

Manual Scheduling

If you decide to drag & drop a ticket from the Ticket Pool onto the Timeline, you will see if the appointment fits with the help of the colors indicated in the Timeline (think of it as a traffic light for tickets). Tickets that are dragged & dropped to the Timeline are automatically locked and will not be organized by the Optimizer.

Assisted Scheduling

In case you schedule tickets with the Scheduling Assistant, the helper will open as soon as you click on the Schedule ticket button in the
Ticket Pool, Timeline, Map, and Ticket Details.

Quick tips
  • We generally recommend using the Optimizer or the Scheduling Assistant primarily over Drag & Drop scheduling.
  • Our system will assist you in finding the best ticket options for engineers, skills, date, time, etc. if you use the Optimizer or the Scheduling Assistant.
  • You can drag & drop the Scheduling Assistant window around freely, as the SA window is not part of a custom component view.
  • You can quickly open the Scheduling Assistant by double-clicking on a ticket in the Ticket Pool.
  • If you want to learn in what ways the Scheduling Assistant can assist you in arranging appointments smartly, please check out the topic: Scheduling Assistant.
Scheduling an ticket is possible from the Ticket Pool...
....from the Timeline....
...from the Map...
...and also from the Ticket Details.

After you click on the Schedule ticket button, the Scheduling Assistant will open.

If you schedule tickets manually the system will check if the current engineer is available and if the placement time makes sense.
The system also smartly checks if the placed ticket is close to an engineer’s end shift.

When scheduling tickets via Drag & Drop, you see different colors indicating where it would be good to drop the ticket and where the placement may not be optimal.

Red:  Placing the ticket here is not recommended by the system!
The ticket is in the past / The engineer is unavailable

Green: Placing the ticket here is recommended by the system!
The ticket is in the future / The engineer is available

Yellow: Placing the ticket here can have a negative impact on compliance with regular working hours!
The ticket is close to the engineer’s end shift / The engineer has to work overtime

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