Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

How to configure FMA settings

You can configure FMA App behavior inside the FMA settings menu.

The FMA tab gives you the option to let engineers start working on multiple tickets simultaneously.
By flipping the toggle to the right engineers are allowed to start appointments at the same time opposed to be forced to work from ticket to ticket.

What does this mean for the engineer and the usage of the FMA app?

If functionality is enabled the engineer can:

  • Drive to an appointment and note it down in the app as usual.
  • Start working on the ticket and note it down in the app as usual.

The engineer can also get back to the Home screen and can additionally:

  • Drive to another appointment or appointments in parallel and note it down in the app as usual.
  • Start working on another ticket or tickets in parallel and note it down in the app as usual.

If functionality is disabled the engineer can:

  • Work on tickets only one by one

Another option that is available in the FMA tab is the Publish PUDO appointments to FMA toggle. Enabling this toggle ensures that scheduled PUDO appointments will reach the engineer. If this toggle is switched off PUDO appointments will not be displayed inside the FMA app.

Another option that is available in the FMA tab is the Turn on My Day functionality toggle. Enabling this toggle will make the My Day tab available inside the FMA app. The My Day menu inside the FMA app can be used by engineers to track their work start, work breaks, and work ends. 

  • Allow FMA users simultaneous appointments toggle: By flipping the toggle to the right engineers are allowed to start appointments at the same time opposed to be forced to work from ticket to ticket.

  • Publish PUDO appointments to FMA toggle: Enabling this toggle makes sure that from the dispatcher or by the optimizer scheduled PUDO appointments can reach the engineer’s FMA app.

  • Turn on My Day functionality toggle: Enabling this toggle makes the My Day tab available inside the FMA app.

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