Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

The Ticket Pool allows you to search for wished tickets by using the Search functionality. Searching behaves differently depending on the tab you use, so it is contextual. You can search for tickets by using either queries or free text.

If you don’t need to find a very specific ticket and instead want a group of tickets, you can also use the Filtering in the Expert tab instead.

Quick tip

The How to query tickets topic sheds light on the usage of search queries and covers a lot of examples helping you to find tickets or a particular ticket set.

Learn more about how to query tickets
  1. Click inside the search query field.
  2. Enter a free text or a search query.
    (Learn more about queries inside the How to query tickets topic)
  3. Click on the Search button.
    Your tickets should appear on the list.
  4. (Optional) Click the Save in my queries button to save the query for later searches.
The free text search (or query search) allows you to find particular tickets
  1. Click inside the search field.
  2. Enter a free text or a search query.
    (Learn more about queries inside the expert search topic)
  3. Select a dispatch group from the dispatch group drop-down.
  4. Click on Search.
    Your tickets should appear on the list.
You can use a free text search combined with the dispatch group filter
  1. Select a project from the project drop-down.
  2. Select a predefined query or a custom query from the Select query drop-down.
  3. Click on Search.
You can filter tickets by project and make use of custom/predefined queries.
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