Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

When tickets have an appointment on the Timeline they are usually ready to be forwarded to the Fieldcode FMA app of the engineer(s). This process is called publishing. Tickets normally need to be published, when the color of a ticket is orange (ready to dispatch, refer to Ticket colors).
When the ticket is waiting for an appointment, it should not be published yet.

Quick tip for Enterprise subscriptions

You can configure various Publishing settings inside the Admin panel -> Dispatch -> Groups

The Publish button forwards tickets to the Fieldcode FMA app
  1. Inside the Work place go to Timeline and search for the Loudspeaker button.
  2. Click on the arrow to reveal the menu for Publishing and Unpublishing.
  • The Publish appointments and Unpublish appointments buttons

  • If the ticket is blue, the tickets has already been published to the engineer with the help of the Publish button. In the case on the left side the ticket is blue-striped, which indicates the engineer hasn’t synchronized the ticket on his Fieldcode FMA App just yet.

  • If the ticket is orange, it is scheduled and ready to be published to the engineer. The Publish button for this ticket hasn’t been pushed just yet.

If you want to publish a ticket or ticket(s), proceed as follows:

  1. Expand the Publish menu by clicking on the down-pointing arrow.
  2. Click on Publish ticket(s).

You will be prompted with a popover to select the engineers which should be tasked with the tickets. You can either select all engineers at once by clicking the Select All checkbox (which will select all engineers in the list) or select individual engineers, which should be tasked.

After that click on PUBLISH again. The tickets will be transferred to the mobile application and should change their status.

Click UNDO. The transmitted tickets will move back into the state and will be removed from the engineers’ FMA app.

Publishing tickets to engineers
You can freely select which tickets should be published

The for the PUBLISH selected tickets will (by default) move from APPOINTMENT status to PENDING WAIT ONSITE status.

You should see how the ticket color changes after tickets have been published

Unpublishing removes selected tickets from engineers’ FMA app. Proceed as follows to undo the publishing:

  1. Expand the Publish menu by clicking the down-pointing arrow.
  2. Click on Undo Publishing.

You will be prompted with a popover to select the engineers which should be not tasked with handed-over tickets. You can either select all engineers at once by clicking the Select All checkbox (which will select all engineers in the list) or select individual engineers, which should be not tasked with handed-over tickets.

After that click on UNDO. The transmitted tickets will move back in status and will be removed from the engineers’ FMA app.

Unpublishing tickets from engineers
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