Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

The My queries button leads to your personal search center. Maintaining your standard search criteria and saving them within queries, enables you to find what you are looking for with one click every time. All queries that are created in my queries will later be selectable in the Predefined view.

In the sidebar click the arrow  to expand the sidebar → My queries

Quick tip

The How to query tickets topic sheds light on the usage of search queries and covers a lot of examples helping you to find tickets.

Learn more about how to query tickets
  1. Click on the Create new query button – that will open a new menu on the right side.
  2. Enter a search query in the query field.
  3. Enter a name for your search query in the name field. The name will later be displayed in the My queries overview list.
  4. Decide if your new query should be a default query. If a query is selected as a default, it will be automatically selectable for further usage in the Predefined view of the Ticket Pool.
Creating a custom query

Click on the trash button on the item you want to delete from the My queries list.

Deleting a custom query
  1. Click on the checkbox of a query or on a query – that will open a new menu on the right side.
  2. Edit the necessary form fields (name, query) to your new needs and/or switch the Default toggle.
  3. Click on Save to save your edits.
Editing a custom query
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