Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

The Ticket Details give you an overview of all existing data inside a certain ticket. The Ticket Details give you all important options to work with a ticket and allow you to work on it by providing the workflow buttons. The Ticket Details display who is assigned to the ticket, if a ticket has been imported from a system connection or cooperation partner (indicator left from the CNI), if a ticket has conditions/indications, the project details of the ticket, the ticket history, and attachments.

Opening a specific ticket in a new tab or grabbing it results in opening the Ticket Details.

The Ticket Details display all relevant information of a ticket splitted by different sections

The Ticket header includes all important data of a ticket. It displays valuable data like the CNI, LSDT State, Conditions / Indications, and many other project details which are all explained in the table below.

Opening a specific ticket in a new tab or grabbing it results in opening the Ticket Details.

  • Ticket detail indicators:
    If a ticket has been imported into the system a ticket detail indicator will be displayed here.

  • Import indications / Call number internal:
    You can check the call number internal.

  • Project:
    You can check the to the ticket assigned project.

  • Status:
    You can check the current status of the ticket.

  • LSDT counter:
    With the counter, you can check when the Latest Service Delivery time expires.

  • Contact details:
    You can check the provided ticket contact details.

  • Location details:
    You can check the provided ticket location details.

  • LSDT details:
    You can check the precise Latest Service Delivery time in detail.
    LSDT changes will also be reflected.
    The first set LSDT time has “initial” in brackets.

  • Service Level Agreement details:
    You can check Service Level Agreement details if they have been provided.

  • Appointment details:
    You can check Appointment details, if they have been provided.

  • Call number external:
    You can check the to the ticket-assigned Call number external if the number has been provided.

  • Timezone:
    You can check the ticket timezone.
    Knowing the current ticket time zone could be a piece of helpful information if you have to handle different tickets with different time zones. 

  • In Pending until:
    You can check how long a ticket is still in the ticket clipboard.

  • Interaction buttons: The interaction buttons which can be found in the upper-right of the Ticket Details Header are explained in the dedicated interaction buttons topic and best practices sections.

  • Workflow buttons: The workflow buttons which can be found beneath the Ticket Details header are explained in the dedicated workflow buttons topic and best practices sections.

  • Ticket Details tabs: You can browse through all the different ticket tabs topics to learn more about the purpose of the many different Ticket Details tabs.

The ticket has been imported from a system connection.
The ticket has been imported from a cooperation partner.
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