Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

The Ticket Pool is the main source for incoming tickets.

The Ticket Pool is clustered in different tabs, which further filter tickets depending on your use case/ job role. The ticket pool stores all tickets and shows relevant ones in the different tabs. For example, in the Dispatch tab, you will only see tickets of your selected Dispatch group.

The Ticket Pool allows you to cluster by specific tickets, allows you to temporarily or permanently store tickets, allows you to be notified on specific tickets (to gather useful information), allows you to apply filters, and allows you to view conditions or indications of specific tickets.

Switching between the different tabs inside the Ticket Pool
Column nameDescription
AssigneeDisplays the user name of a person, that has grabbed the ticket
CategoryTicket's category, (e.g. Desktop)
CityEnd user's city
CNE parentCall Number External. It is a number sent by the customer’s system for a particular task, that refers to a single ticket in work place (e.g. WO-004203327)
CNICall Number Internal. Internal ticket number, which is now used synonymously with the Ticket ID (e.g. 466758)
CompanyIndicates the Company Name of the end user (e.g. Printer Corporate)
Conditionsrefers to a condition specified for the ticket and determined according to project’s requirement
CountryEnd User's country
DeviceModel's name
Device categoryDevice category of the affected device
Enduserindicates the name of a contact person, requesting the intervention
EngineerEngineer efficiency factor
Error codeError code of a particular ticket is displayed (in case there is an error existing)
ESDTEarliest Service Delivery Time - time and date when the ticket has the first LSDT goal
Fixed to dateThe 'Fixed to' date of the scheduled appointment
IndicationsRefers to condition specified for the ticket and determined according to project's requirements
LSDTLatest Service Delivery Time - time and date when the ticket should be done latest
Partner nameIf the ticket is assigned to a partner engineer the name of the partner will be displayed
ProjectIndicates the Project Name (e.g. PrinterCorp_XXX)
SLAService Level Agreement, (e.g. NBD – Next business day)
StatusIndicates the status in which a ticket currently is (e.g. 'VALIDATION')
SubcategoryTicket’s subcategory, (e.g. preventive maintenance)

The displayed columns in the Ticket Pool can be customized according to your needs for a customized overview that is tailored to your dispatching needs.
Inside the Work Place go to the Ticket Pool to reveal the Table view editorFrom there you can decide which column items are displayed by checking or unchecking the corresponding check boxes. You can change the order of items in the Ticket Pool by rearranging items via Drag & Drop in the table view editor.

For Fieldcode beginners we recommend the following order:
  • Info/Alert/Part
  • LSDT
  • CNI
  • Company Name
  • City
  • Status
Customizing Ticket Pool columns
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