Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

Each ticket in your Work place belongs to one project, whereas you are allowed to create as many projects as required to display and structure your delivery. Projects can reflect contracts with different customers to split tickets by category or other features. That depends on your preferences and use cases. Nonetheless, splitting tickets by customer gives you the best way to analyze KPIs and keep Service Level Agreements in focus.

  1. Inside the Admin panel go to Process -> Projects
  2. Click the plus button right next to the search bar to add a new project.
  3. Fill in or edit the following tabs: Basic, Data security.
  1. Decide if your new or existing project should be set to active in the system.
  2. Insert a name for your new project. The name of existing projects cannot be changed afterward.
  3. Select a workflow from the drop-down that you want to use for your project.
    By default, you can choose between Basic I and Basic II.
    Basic I: Default ticket statuses
    Basic II: Default ticket statuses + an additional report/validation step.
  4. Select a Ticket source for your new or existing project.
    By default, you can choose between Manual & Interface and Interface only
    Interface + Manual
    : Tickets can be created inside the Work Place and an external interface for having tickets delivered into the system can also be used.
    Interface only: Tickets can only be created by an external interface.
  5. Select if your new or existing project should consider a skill-based selection of engineers.
  6. Select if the Parts tab should be available for your new or existing project.
  7. Select if tickets for this project are not allowed to violate the LSDT.
    If the LSDT violations not allowed toggle is activated it means that tickets with expired Latest Service delivery times can’t be scheduled by dispatchers.
  8. Select if ticket durations should be overwritten based on Ticket Duration settings.
  9. Select if follow-up tickets should automatically be assigned to the same engineer.
    If this toggle is enabled, when  a ticket is created and has the same CNE Parent as a previously scheduled ticket, it is considered as a follow-up ticket for the same case and the same engineer will be automatically assigned and locked to it.

Dependent on if ticket durations are configured either the default ticket duration is used or not used:

  • The overwrite ticket duration applies on newly manually created tickets with ticket duration slider or interface tickets
  • The overwrite ticket duration applies on tickets where configuring ticket durations is possible inside the ticket creation form or interface tickets
  • Therefore it may not be necessary to switch the toggle on, if you do not have the ticket duration slider inside the ticket creation form
  • If no ticket duration is configured the default ticket duration is 60 minutes
  • If ticket duration is configured the chosen ticket duration will be used as default for newly manually created tickets or interface tickets
  • If user creates tickets and ticket durations are configured and “overwrite” is used, the default value will be overwritten
  • If user creates tickets and ticket durations are configured and “overwrite” is not used, the default value will not be overwritten and accepted instead
  • Users can edit the ticket duration in the Ticket Details anytime

9. Click Save.

For Fieldcode beginners we recommend the following settings:
  • Workflow: Basic I
  • Ticket source: Manual & Interface
  • All toggles enabled except the device toggle depending on your business branch
Creating a new project

The anonymization functionality allows you to overwrite certain data fields inside Fieldcode work place after the retention days have passed to give you the option to comply with GDPR and data security regulations.

The blind text box can be left blank if you do not want to think about a word or phrase and it will still show no text.

  1. Select if you want to enable data anonymization for this project by turning the toggle right.
  2. Insert a number of days in the retention days window if you want to set an offset of days until resolved tickets should get anonymized.
  3. Select the fields you want to anonymize by toggling the items you want to anonymize to the right.

Let’s say you want to anonymize the Affected person’s company and the Affected person’s primary phone number.
What you would do is toggle those two toggles to the right and insert a blind text in the right blind text box with a text that should be displayed instead (e.g. PRIVATE).
The blind text box can be left blank if you do not want to think about a word or phrase and it will still show no text.

Anonymizing data for a project

(Optional) Enable Strike Count

The strike count assists you to apply business conformities into the system and perfectly assists dispatchers in their daily job.
The strike alert is visible for the dispatcher while scheduling tickets and while clicking Callback Required and while reaching the limit.

  1. Toggle the switch to the right.
  2. Insert the number of strikes (Default: 3) that should be applied for this project.
  3. (Optional) Set a message that should appear for the dispatcher when the count reaches the limit.
  4. (Optional) Translate this message to other languages.
  5. Click Save.

(Optional) Enable Waiting Duration

You can configure a custom waiting duration to establish how long tickets should be moved to the Clipboard tab.
After the waiting duration has passed for the ticket, it will move back from the Clipboard tab to the Dispatch tab.

The Waiting Duration is visible for the dispatcher while scheduling tickets and while clicking Enduser not reached.

  1. Toggle the switch to the right.
  2. Insert a duration. You can set minutes, hours, and even days.
  3. Click Save.

If your company uses custom values you have the option to activate and deactivate them from the Projects tab. This can also be done directly in the Value Sets and the functionality behaves the same.

  1. Activate or deactivate values to your specific project needs by flipping the Active toggle accordingly.
  2. Click Save.

The Parts tab gives you the option to automatically adjust the shipment type based on delivery location, enter an optional storage time, and the possibility that the Parts Estimated Time of Arrival should be taken preferably from the tracking data of the logistic company.

  1.  (Optional) – Enable or disable the  Automatically adjust shipment type based on delivery location switch.
    If you enable the Automatically adjust shipment type based on delivery location switch the system will compare the ticket’s on-site location with the part(s) delivery location and automatically determine and set the shipment type. The shipment type is selected when adding a part and selecting something in the delivered to field.
  2. (Optional) – Enter or don’t enter a storage time in the storage time (in days) field. The system calculates with calendar days. If you don’t enter any number, storage time will not be utilized from the system. If you enter a number in the storage time field the count of the storage time will start outgoing from the Parts ETA. The parts storage time indicates how long a part is available for pick-up. You can enter a permanent storage interval by implementing it directly on the project page (global setting), or a temporary storage interval when entering the parts shipping details on the parts form (temporary setting).
  3. (Optional) – Enable or disable the Parts ETA should be taken from tracking data switch. If you enable the Parts ETA should be taken from tracking data switch the system will prefer the usage of tracking data from the logistics partner for calculating the Parts ETA, which may result in more accurate and more real-time updates in estimating, when a part will arrive, compared to the current shipping ETA. Enabling this switch may result in improved optimizing and scheduling suggestions, as the system can utilize an additional data point.
    Technical background: If enabled, tracking API ETA will be stronger than the current shipping ETA and this tracking API ETA will be used as part (item) ETA in scheduling and optimizing.
Parts tab options
Use case for "Automatically adjust shipment type based on delivery location"-> when the PUDO is at the same location as the parts delivery location.

The system will automatically identify that the two locations match and set the delivery information type accordingly.

Use case for "Storage time (in days)"-> Parts are only available at PUDO location for a limited time of days.

By entering the storage time you will help the system to understand to better schedule and optimize tickets as the system also considers the storage time as a factor. The system calculates with calendar days.

Use case for "Parts ETA should be taken from tracking data" -> The system should prioritize real-time data instead of relying on project estimations
  • Real-time ETA data from logistic companies may be more accurate than the provided project ETA data.
  • By utilizing this additional data point, the system may schedule and optimize tickets smarter.
SMTP email settings on a project level
  • If you want to configure SMTP email settings on a project level you have the option to do this inside Admin Panel -> Projects -> SMTP Email Settings.
  • In the Account menu, you configure the SMTP email settings on a global level, which means that the email sender will default to your choice.
  • Expected behavior if SMTP and global SMTP is configured -> Project SMTP will be taken for configured projects, global SMTP for not configured ones.
  • Configuring a "Custom Sender" inside Custom Automated Actions is only possible if the SMTP is configured either on project or global level.

The SMTP Email Settings tab gives you the option to configure a different project-based email-sending address. When you send out emails to your customers you can for example send emails on behalf of your company. Which emails are sent out to customers can be for example configured inside Automated Actions.

  • Decide if you directly want to activate the project-based SMTP email configuration.

  • Enter the user name that you use for logging in into the SMTP Account.

  • Enter the password that you use for logging in into the SMTP Account.

  • Enter the from email address. This email address will be later visible when sending out emails to customers for this project.

  • Enter the from display name. This display name will be later visible when sending out emails to customers for this project.

  • Enter the SMTP host address. On the left, you can see what it might look like. You can find the SMTP host address for example by checking with your mail provider.

  • Enter the SMTP Port. On the left, you can see what it might look like. You can find the SMTP host address for example by checking with your mail provider.

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