Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

The FMA app gives you the possibility to log drive starts/drive breaks/drive ends in an easy way. Logging the drive start is as easy as pushing the Drive button in the Appointments menu when this step is due for the ticket. Drive breaks can be initiated by pushing the Pause button in the Appointments menu, when driving step is active on the ticket. You can end the drive by pushing the Arrived button, which is also right in the matching ticket Appointment menu.

  1. From the Home screen tap on the Appointments button.
  2. Choose and pick the appointment for which you want to start your drive.
  3. Click on the Drive button.
    The tracking of the driving time should start.
Starting the driving step
  1. From the Home screen tap on the Appointments button.
  2. Choose and pick the appointment for which you want to end your drive.
  3. Click on the Arrived button.
    The tracking of the driving time should end.
Finishing the driving step
  1. From the Home screen tap on the Appointments button.
  2. Choose and pick the appointment for which you want to pause your drive.
  3. Click on the Pause button.
    The tracking of the driving time should stop.
Pausing the Driving step
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