Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

Release Notes

Check out the release notes of 2023 in a chronicle order for Work Place, Admin Panel, and Customer Portal.


New tab to configure skills for your partners inside Admin Panel -> Partner configuration
Assigning skills to partners affects the partner dropdown list on Work Place so that only partners whose skills match the skills assigned to the tickets are displayed in the partner dropdown list.
New settings to choose which ticket statues an end user is allowed to book an appointment from the Customer Portal
You can now customize which statuses allow the customer to book an appointment through the Customer Portal.
New Customer Portal settings to allow driving before or after work hours
You can now enable and allow driving before or after working hours to be considered when appointments are booked through the Customer Portal.
We have added two more automated actions for sending SMSs to the end user with a link to the Customer portal directly in the SMS message
"Send the end user an SMS with link to track ticket progress" and "Send the end user an SMS with link to schedule an appointment and track ticket progress"
FMA Android: We have improved long options lists to open separately from the form


Checklist custom fields are now available in the form creator to use in the EDIT and CHILD REPORT forms
Custom checklist fields are designed to be used inside Reports.
We now display the number of returns similar to the shipped and not shipped on the Parts tab
This adds some more overview and convenience inside the Parts tab.
We have introduced cross validation in order to create more complex field validations
Validations can help form users to enter the correct data.
FMA Android: We have improved dark mode so text is now much more easier to read history
FMA Android: We have improved dark mode text contrast on the parts quick action


Unlocked engineers are removed from the ticket after they are moved back to the Ticket Pool
We now allow saving an engineer regardless of their availability when the date and time preference is disabled
Labels for custom fields on forms on the Work Place are no longer displayed over the input field
We have fixed a issue with translations and buttons
We have improved the UI for forms for long texts inside forms
Ticket Pool links have been fixed so that the URL copied to the clipboard and the query are automatically executed, listing only the tickets covered by the query
FMA Android: We have fixed an issue with Device Information button not working when clicking in the middle of the button
FMA Android: We have fixed various reporting form issues


To create more dynamic ticket scores, we have added dynamic conditions for date and time fields.
Currently for conditions which are related to date and time we cannot give proper comparison values as we do not provide the matching options. You will soon be able add operators for date and time values as dynamic conditions. Your existing ticket scores will still work (though not displayed correctly), therefore our recommendation is to set them up again.
New options to limit the optimizer at a project or ticket level
We have introduced the new field "Optimizable" with options for yes and no inside the Ticket Details. Tickets by default are "Optimizable". New is that you now have the flexibility to decide which particular tickets should be included or excluded from the optimization.
We have added an additional section for optimization configuration that will allow you to decide whether or not to set a proposed date during optimization.
This enhances the flexibility of the optimization configuration.
We have introduced form field validations that allow you to create individual validations for your fields on your forms, such as allowing only numbers, text, emails, etc.
We have included an additional tab for each field settings inside the form creator on which the user is able to give their on custom validation by using RegEx and Hemscript. You are able to enter your own error messages that should be displayed with translations. Multiple validations can be added and also cross-validation (validation in comparison with other fields) are available. System default validations are also visible on this tab, however, they are non-editable.
FMA: We have introduced a new feature that allows FMA users to take photos and attach them directly from FMA
This helps to eliminate the need to switch between different apps.


We have added several additional project columns to the Project overview page
This change makes it easier for you to recognize which exact options are turned on or turned off for each project. Options like: Skills consideration, Show device, LSDT violations, SMTP, Anonymization, Retention days etc.
We have improved container tickets so that they are displayed correctly on the Timeline with the correct appointment times
Before this change, it sometimes happened that incorrect times were displayed. After this change, this will no longer be the case.
We have introduced a new section for driving preferences inside the optimization configuration
We have rearranged the "Miscellaneous" section a bit and have introduced a new "Driving preferences" section to make the optimization configuration even more comprehensive.
We have removed the 24-hour limit when creating a on-call duty
This gives you the needed flexibility when having to create overlaps for example weekends / long weekends / christmas holidays etc.
FMA: We have improved the parts validation when trying to report a ticket
Tickets can only enter report if all parts are in workflow node "RECEIVED" or "NOT_RECEIVED".
FMA: We have improved updating the usage of multiple parts with a easy to use menu that allows you to update multiple parts without having to click in and out of each part
Bulk-editing hugely improves usability within the Parts menu.
FMA: We have improved the search capabilities for archived tickets so that all text fields are searchable
This hugely improves the usability inside the Archive menu of the FMA.
FMA: We have improved the Device field to show the full serial number in the view
This hugely improves the usability inside the Appointment details and the Device information menus of the FMA.
FMA Android: We have moved the workflow buttons above the status instead of under
This change improves the consistency within the FMA.


We have released loading/performance improvements for parts shipping history logs
As we are introducing pagination for shipping history logs the loading speeds will improve even further.


We have fixed the sorting by date so that the sorting works as intended
If you work with many custom fields and want to better understand recent changes, sorting by last edit/creation can provide as very useful.
Data visible in the date field has been fixed so that it is displayed correctly regardless of the selected date format and defined defaults
We have fixed the incorrect display with this release.
FMA: We have fixed a bug where you couldn't set a part as "Not Received"
With this fix, this problem has been sorted out.
FMA Android: We have fixed an issue where the street number was not displayed
This bug fix ensures that the appointment street number is displayed correctly.
FMA Android: We have corrected the label from "Code" to "Short name" inside the PUDO overview page
This bug fix has improved the clarity inside the App.
FMA Android: We will fix issues with transferring saved fields to Work Place using custom forms on the FMA
With the next release, this transfer should now work more reliably.
FMA Android: We will improve the error messages when trying to save an attachment. We will also increase the save size limit to 15 MB.
This change will make attachments usage more flexible and user-friendly.
FMA iOS: We will fix the problem of duplicate attachments being saved during the transfer to the Work Place
Thanks to this bug fix, attachments will now behave as expected.


We have added new ticket colors: Proposed, Departure, Onsite
Note: Your existing published tickets may appear white, but when the status moves to the next status, the ticket colors will re-appear.
Pop-up forms are available for usage on Work Place
Pop-up forms can be configured inside the Forms menu inside Admin Panel and appear in WP/FMA (if configured by Support!).
We have added new history logs under the user interaction filter for pop-up form feedback
Pop-up form feedback from now on is visible in the ticket history tab.
We have added error, warning, and info messages to the scheduling assistant, and we have reduced the number of partner pop-up notifications
This makes using the scheduling assistant more comprehensible.
We have added a new COMS option to send SMSs from the Ticket Details
This allows users to send out SMSs directly without extra configuration inside the Admin Panel.
You are now able to perform a test run on all created automated actions before saving them
This way you can be sure that your automated actions are working as intended. It is required to use test tickets to perform the test. Your already existing actions remain active and display as successfully tested. You can test already existing actions again manually by applying edits. Side note: Actions in general will stay inactive until you have a successful testing.
FMA: New pop forms feature is now supported
FMA Android: The "Look Around" feature is now also supported on FMA for Android


Start and end location are now the default selection when creating a temporary location
This makes configuring temporary locations faster and easier.
We have added new icons to forms that display the to the field applied settings
This makes the configuration process of forms easier.
You are now able to reuse fields when creating forms
The number of uses is displayed on each field to aid you in creating your forms.
We have improved the Analytics component interface by removing unnecessary labels and adjusting the spacing used to fit more data on the screen for a better user experience
This will improve the usability of the Analytics component in a great manner.
For incoming cooperation tickets, we have added the partner icon to the Ticket Details component, indicating the type of partner, System Connection Partner or Cooperation Partner
This simplifies spotting partners in the Ticket Details.
We have improved location services so that when you create a new temporary engineer location or update an engineer's base location, you can only do so for the next day, not for the past or the same day
This change adds convenience and helps to avoid misconfigurations.
You are now able to add dynamic responses using render conditions to display different input options based on user input
This enhances the flexibility of the form creator.
Hovering over a custom field in the form builder displays the custom field name
This makes distinguishing between fields (especially same fields) easier.
We have added new validations for forms that do not allow a user to set the start time after the end time and vice versa
This change adds convenience and helps to avoid misconfigurations.
The LSDT update comment will become mandatory
This makes it easier for managers to understand why an LSDT was changed.
FMA: All attachments are automatically uploaded to the ticket as soon as the ticket is complete
FMA: You are able to search for any of the parts text fields
FMA: The "Type" and "Reference" fields for parts on a ticket are now displayed
FMA: We have improved the button layout on both FMA Apps
This change improves the usability of the buttons.
FMA: You are now able to group parts according to their workflow status
FMA Android: We have improved the report summary screen so that it no longer appears that you can make changes to the input to avoid confusion


We have improved the load performance for large user bases during the creation of new roles
This changes improves the performance inside the Permissions menu.


We have added a new disclaimer "Spare parts are not supported in container tickets." which should is visible in the Parts section for container tickets
Pleas be aware that parts are currently not supported for container tickets.
We have unified the behavior of the scheduling assistant so that it performs the same regardless of where it is opened
This improves the usability of the scheduling.
The Engineer lock/unlock icons are now displayed on tickets that were dragged and dropped on the Timeline
The engineer lock/unlock icon now work as expected and don't have different behavior depending on how a users schedules.
It hasn't be possible to turn off permissions with nested sub permissions
We have fixed the permissions with sub permissions behavior in this update
FMA: You are now able to set a part as NOT RECEIVED
FMA Android: We have disabled the automatic link conversion for list views
FMA Android: We have fixed the issue with "read only" fields, they can no longer be edited on the FMA


Completely overhauled FMA App is now available for free Download on Android / iOS / iPadOS devices
The new FMA App is available for download for iOS and Android. The older FMA 1 App remains available for usage.
Storage interval for spare parts
You are now able to create a storage interval for spare parts.
You are now able to use new filter options for creating configuration profiles for dispatch groups
This new option allows you to maintain the engineers that should be in optimization scope.
You are now able to add other "Move to clipboard" options as value sets and make them usable inside Work Place
This option gives you even more flexibility in customizing your personal Work Place experience.
You now have the possibility to use enhanced parts ETA tracking capabilities in scheduling
If this option is enabled the tracking API ETA will be stronger than the current shipping ETA and will be displayed accordingly.


We have included the customer signature details to the intervention report
This improves the ticket details overview.
We have added a new pre-defined query to query for active tickets assigned to any kind of partner
The query: outsourced: true AND NOT status: (CLOSED OR CANCELED) will be selectable in the pre-defined queries dropdown.
We have disabled the publishing options of tickets assigned to Account partners who use the Partner Portal to report on tickets
This is due to the fact that those tickets usually should be reported via the Partner Portal.


We have fixed an issue with the display of custom fields with long descriptions
This before caused displaying issues if fields had too long input.
We have fixed the "is null" operator to work with all condition choices
This unfortunately wasn't working previously as intended in all cases.
We have fixed the Timeline so that it always displays on-call duties or absences on all zoom levels
This is for the sake of additional convenience.
We introduced a clearer system message system when creating PUDOs from the Parts form and will display them to you in a better way in order to better support you, while you are creating PUDOs
Clearer system messages help you to better identify and understand what is currently going on.
We will fix an issue when trying to create a part using the PUDO sent from a cooperation partner on your account
The error "Part creation failed, please try again" shouldn't show up in those cases anymore.
We will fix the issue with the wrong ordering of shipping histories
Shipping histories will be sorted from last to first after this bugfix has been applied.


Revamped scheduling assistant
We have redesigned the scheduling assistant and added the option to set just a time preference without an engineer.
Ticket pre-qualification
We have introduced the possibility to pre-validate/pre-qualificate tickets via a new website and engineers will have the option to propose parts/feedback on tickets before a ticket is scheduled by dispatchers.
New history tab filter
We have added new filter to the history tab called "User interactions", the new history log shows the history logs for VIP, escalations, grabbed by and partner assignment.
Lock/unlock engineer option from the Timeline
You are able to lock or unlock an engineer directly from the Timeline.
You can now hide/unhide values inside the Forms menu
As we have enhanced the flexibility of the form creator, you are now able to select which values of a field are displayed inside the form creator. You also have the option to make default values available for a certain field.
"Engineer car/location" pop-up on the Map
You can now hover over the engineer car icon to see a detailed pop-up similar to the other icons on the map.


We have introduced performance improvements to both the Ticket Pool and Map components, as a result of that we are introducing a new visual icon to indicate that a ticket is being updated and should not be worked on until the update is complete
This is beneficial for the Ticket Pool and Map Performance.
Engineers with a temporary location now have the time period displayed in the pop-up
This benefits the handling of engineers within the Map.
Ticket info counter now displays only relevant dispatch groups sum
The Ticket Info counter now only displays the number of Ticket Infos from the dispatch groups to which the dispatcher is assigned.
We have added a new Pending status inside the Cooperation partner menu inside Admin Panel
The status will indicate that the cooperation connection is waiting for some action to be taken.
Cooperation tickets are now sent out with the assigned skills that have been mapped to the cooperation
This has not been possible before.
We are now hiding the "Publish" button once the tickets have been assigned to the cooperation partners
The Publish button is not required for the cooperation initiator as the sub cooperation partner resolves the ticket.
We now add a timestamp to the Ticket Info note that is displayed in the Ticket Details component
This gives users more information at first glance.
We have added two new filter conditions for forms
We have added the "Unsuccessful Reason" field as well as the "Ticket status" as condition fields to increase flexibility.
We have added two new columns to the PUDO overview page for displaying the opening hours of the PUDO
The columns are called "Opening hours to" and "Opening hours from"
Optimizer profile changes no longer require a manual refresh
There no longer is a need to refresh Work Place when changes have been made to the optimization profile in the Admin Panel.
New part status enhancing engineers flexibility
The new part status "Wait for replenishment" gives engineers more flexibility when handling spare parts.
Ticket Info drop-down menu has been renamed and reorganized
Arrows now indicate the direction of the ticket info (Outgoing (<-) and Incoming (->)), while dashes indicate internal ticket infos.


We have improved the Timeline performance so that it will 2x faster than before


We have fixed the engineer route to display correctly on the Map with all stops
Improved ticket behavior after dragging & dropping tickets on the Timeline
We have fixed the issue where the skills that are mapped for a cooperation partner disappear when new ones are requested to be mapped
We have fixed the issue where a long part description would break the interface
We have fixed the issue so that when you expand all the parts, the view stays at the top
We have fixed timezone issues when setting up a required callback
We have fixed the issue where the project list would not display when using the filters with condition ProjectName
We have fixed the unexpected error page from appearing when trying to edit the Custom end date & time when setting callback required
We have fixed the consistency with displaying the same tickets in the Map based on the selection of the dispatch group in the Ticket Pool
We have improved the synchronization of the data between the timeline and the map so that they are showing the same data
When PUDO's overlap, we have fixed the pop over to show all overlapping PUDO's
We have fixed the issue where the schedule ticket button would disappear after assigning the ticket to an account partner
We have fixed the issue where the history does not display correctly when one or more tickets are tabbed


You can now map skills between Cooperation partners
A new report "Dispatch Insights"is now available on the Analytics component


The Parts tab UI has been redesigned and improved
The "Short Description" field is now visible inside the Ticket Details component
You can now set default values for fields directly on the form, when creating a form
We have added a new field to the Miscellaneous section that allows you to add a maximum distance between stops
We have added a new "AffectedEmail" condition to use for filtering skills inside Admin Panel
You can now restrict who can assign or unassign partners to tickets
We have increased the character limit to 1200 for leaving comments and Ticket Infos inside COMS
We now provide a "Test Connection" button to test out your SMTP connection
Increased the character limit for Checkbox and Dropdown field types and their translations from 50 to 200. Increased info message character limit to 500.


We have improved Timeline data refreshing after reconnecting to Websocket


Fixed an issue where parts that were canceled would still be visible in the Ticket Pool
Fixed issues with displaying appointments correctly on the Customer Portal
Fixed issue with entering the number 180 into the estimated duration field inside the edit ticket form
The save button is now not clickable until all the data is loaded in the backend to reduce the risk of accidentally removing engineers to avoid saving incomplete data
You no longer need to enter your PIN when you try to make changes to your Cooperation Partner connection


You can now create automated actions that can send emails from a custom sender.
With an active configured SMTP server, you can now create automated actions that can send emails from a custom sender.


We added the option to create and receive cooperation partnerships.
With the new cooperation partner feature you can easily create a connection with another Fieldcode Account and assign tickets to a sub cooperation partner.
You are now able able to configure project-specific SMTP server configurations for e-mail sending
Example: You manage tickets from several different dispatch groups. Now you only want to see the tickets of a certain dispatch group. Using the group filter, you can easily find your group.
We have added the option to filter the Expert tab and the Ticket Info tab by a dispatch group on the Ticket Pool component
Example: You manage tickets from several different dispatch groups. Now you only want to see the tickets of a certain dispatch group. Using the group filter, you can easily find your group.
You are now able to reactivate cancelled absences or on-call duties inside the Fieldcode Admin Panel.
Example: An absence has been inactivated. However, it is to be reactivated (e.g. due to a spontaneous request of an employee). Normally, one would have to completely recreate the absence again, but thanks to this feature, this is no longer necessary, as this absence can now simply be edited again.
We have revisited the ticket scoring criteria and calculations to allow for more than just one filter. The scoring system has changed from a 1-10 point scale to a 1-100 point scale. This enhances the flexibility with ticket scores in a great manner.
Skill mapping is now available when configuring a system connection


We have improved the user interface and the method of saving the optimization configuration inside the Optimization tab of Dispatch groups.
Example: Previously you had to hit a SAVE button inside the profile configuration when editing a custom optimization profile. After this Improvement releases you can just use the regular SAVE button at the bottom inside the Dispatch groups page.
We have further improved the UI design of the sidebar for better usability.
We have started to unify/align the sidebar experience between Admin Panel and Work Place.
We have removed the schedule ticket option for outsourced tickets on the Map.
Example: Certain tickets are handled by a sub-partner. Now, to avoid accidental scheduling, we remove the possibility of scheduling for the assigning dispatcher.
We have further improved the Map so that changes do not unexpectedly affect the zoom and scale view.
Example: You click on another point on the map. After this change, your zoom settings will be preserved and should not reset with each click.


We have fixed a problem with the map not showing the updated address after the address of the account partner has been changed
UI: The placement of the invalid value error message has been corrected to display below the to and from fields when triggered
We have fixed an issue where uploading a profile photo from the user form in the Admin Panel is not saved as expected
We have fixed an issue where a cancelled absence accidentally resets to active when opening/editing it
We have fixed an issue where in some cases the Admin panel would not open when using the Safari browser (Version 16.3)
We have fixed the Optimization preview window to display the correct data after switching browsers tabs
We have fixed an issue where some tickets would disappear after dragging them to the Timeline
Aliases added to the recipient field will no longer overlap the border field, but move to the next row as expected
We have fixed some view only User permission issues for the Users page
We have fixed UI display issues when trying to copy and paste a phone number into the phone number field
You are now able to cancel temporary locations again
We have fixed day switching issues when saving temporary locations
We have fixed an issue that would cause an addition of five minutes to a custom time preference upon opening
We have fixed an issue where in some cases when trying to update the LSDT, the new value would not be displayed correctly
Searching appointments inside the Publish tickets window now works as expected
We have fixed a page crash when trying to create a time preference for customer availability


Endusers now have the flexibility to also book non-available dates


The appointment date information now refreshes properly after booking an appointment


We have introduced the ability to create custom form types
We have added a new per-project option that allows the ticket duration to be overwritten based on the Ticket Duration settings
We have added the option to make form fields "read-only"
Aliases have been added and are available for usage in the email body and inside Automated Actions: @CustomerPortal_appointmentLink and @CustomerPortal_link
You can now refresh the list of dispatch groups to check if there are any available dispatch groups


We have new permissions for the Workflow page in place
Pop-ups with engineer details now appear when hovering over engineer names when creating or editing engineers for a dispatch group
The hand symbol indicating draggable pop-ups like the "Scheduling Assistant", "PUDO Reschedule form" and "Manage Availabilities form" now shows up
We have reduced the icon size next to the user avatar, so now more information has space to be displayed
We have improved the displaying of status updates, when they are viewed on a mobile device (Customer Portal)
The predefined query drop-dow list now has a practical scroll bar
The predefined query drop-dow list now sorts alphabetically
We have removed the Public/Private switch for Comments
We now prevent the creation of duplicate PUDOs
Ticket category and Ticket subcategory are now available to use when creating forms
We have added a new ticket info type that allows you to create internal comments that require acknowledgement
The Scheduling Assistant's engineer availability check has been improved so that it no longer takes travel time or PUDOs into account when displaying which engineers are available


Custom fields with info messages and their translations now display as expected in the forms page
We have fixed a problem where if the Scheduling Assistant is moved after clicking Callback required, the drop-down list displays in the wrong position
We have adjusted the error handling and message display when adding customer availabilities
We have fixed the issue of the optimization configuration default settings not displaying correctly
We have fixed a problem where the "Lock engineer" checkbox sometimes gets disabled
We now display the child report type directly on the overview page
We have fixed the placement of the drop-down list on the Quicklaunch forms component
We have fixed an issue where the time zone was not displayed on the Ticket Details pop-up when the Ticket Details component is not in the view


Optimization Configuration tab: You can now use custom optimization profiles to create optimization results as personal as never before ->
Customer Portal Settings: You can now configure the option that customer booked appointments are put on the dispatchers Timeline right away
Test Dispatch Groups: You now have the option to mark dispatch groups as test dispatch groups, test dispatch groups won't display analytics data ->
Master Groups: You now have the option to create master groups and assign dispatch groups to a master group ->
New SSO Login options: We have integrated new single sign-on (SSO) capabilities to our applications ->


We display additional relevant ticket information on the Map popup ->
We have added a new engineer efficiency field ->
We have updated the filters with new operators to validate "is null" and "is not null" on the following pages: Access -> Permissions | Process -> Forms | Process -> Automated Actions | Process -> Ticket Duration | Dispatch -> Dispatch Groups | Dispatch -> Skills | Dispatch -> Ticket Scoring | Partners-> Partner Configuration ->
We have updated the icons for Interfaces and Work Place and did some other UI changes ->
We have added the "Active" and "Partner Portal Flag" switches for Partner Accounts ->
We now display audit info for Absence and On-Call duty changes ->
You can now use the View Editor menu to delete a custom view ->


Improved scrolling experience: Scrolling now works vertically over the list of engineers ->
Fixed an issue when selecting business days, now clicking business day checkboxes works as expected ->
Fixed time zone related issues when running the optimizer ->
Fixed UI display issues when an invalid value is triggered ->
Fixed time zone issues which affected and displayed incorrect engineer availabilities ->
Fixed the switch to show the correct state when toggling between active and inactive ->
Fixed the issue where a user would click on the "x" and nothing would happen or it would crash, so now when it is clicked it actually clears the field as expected ->
Fixed an issue when setting up temporary locations so that the selected user's time zone is taken into account instead of the local device's time zone ->
Fixed issues with some user permissions not working correctly ->


New customization options: You are now able to customize the Customer Portal experience for your end users ->
New component -> Workload Calendar: Our new component is helping dispatchers to understand engineer workloads better ->
New component -> Quicklaunch: Our new component is helping back-office agents to edit ticket forms fastly one-by-one ->
You will now be able to get smart partner recommendations based on the ticket scoring ->
We have added a new option to quickly optimize tickets for quick optimization results ->
Deep-Links: Clicking on the URL link in the Tickets overview report now opens the Ticket Details page directly in the Analytics View component ->
Preparations for the Partner Portal ->
We have added a new tab “Parts” to the Projects form where, when enabled, the system will compare the tickets on-site location with the part(s) delivery location and will determine and set the shipment type automatically ->


Temporary locations that are in the past cannot be changed anymore ->
Temporary locations are from now on displayed in the engineer popup on the Map and on the Timeline ->
We have updated the filters to include the "in" operator when creating a Ticket Scoring ->


Fixed a problem where the calendar would crash when trying to switch months when selecting an expiration date ->
Fixed an issue where changing an engineer's time zone would not be reflected on the Timeline, now all time zone changes are updated ->
Fixed some unexpected crashes when hovering over new routes on the Map ->
Increased the height of the PUDO selection dropdown as sometimes not all PUDOs would be displayed ->
Fixed an issue where if an engineer was in multiple Dispatch groups and a ticket was unassigned from the engineer, it would also be unassigned from the engineer in the other Dispatch group ->
Fixed an issue where when hovering over a ticket in the Map and scrolling, the popup would move outside of the Map ->


You are now able to manage the availabilities of engineers directly from the Timeline. This new feature will make organizing engineers way more convenient as you don't need to extra move over to Admin Panel to achieve the same.->
This new possibility to add or edit absences/on-call duties straight from the Timeline will make the dispatcher's daily work life much easier. ->
A new Tracking Info button will be displayed inside the Parts tab if the given tracking code is found and the code fits the necessary requirements. Having the possibility to use the native tracking inside Fieldcode makes you less dependent from external tracking link solutions. ->
By clicking on the new tracking info button you will be able to see the real-time tracking of the shipment. ->
New menu to configure your individual partners across your extensive partner base to single or multiple defined operational areas. Our new menu will give you the option to define partner areas. Assigning partner areas is beneficial for dispatchers, as they will get suggestions only for matching partners if configured properly ->
You now also just gained the possibility to create specific filters to fine-tune and meet any required conditions for your partners. With this new functionality your partner customization experience just got leveled-up siginificantly. ->


Informative tooltips have been added to the time zone and settings icons on the Timeline ->
Shipments are now canceled instead of being deleted. This logical change will make managing parts more straight forward. ->
You can from now on reactivate parts by changing the status. ->
You can now add an expiration date to individual skills. This will give you the flexibility to add skills with expiring certificates. Expired skills will turn inactive inside Fieldcode Work Place and therefore not displayed anymore in the popovers. ->
Outdated expirations will not be considered when optimizing. ->
You can now mark partners as inactive.->


Further performance and stability improvements for the Timeline and Map ->


Fixed an issue where the PUDO popover did not show related Ticket Details in some rare cases
The selected optimization date range is now displayed correctly when opening the Optimizer
Fixed the issue with displaying duplicate tickets when viewing results in the Optimizer Preview
You can now copy text from the PUDO popover
You will now be able to see the entire list when you scroll through the dropdowns in Fieldcode Work Place
Fixed time preference display issues have been corrected inside Fieldcode Work Place
We have fixed date display issues inside Fieldcode Work Place


We have improved the Customer Portal so now when you open the calendar the system automatically checks and displays the engineer's availability for the coming month ->
You can check future days by simply clicking on the day and the system will check the engineer's availability for that day and will give you instant feedback ->


We have fixed problems with displaying the appointment set value inside the Customer Portal


We have redesigned the home icons and added new home icons for temporary locations, including start and end icons ->
Hovering over an engineer or a group of engineers will now display a pop-up with the engineer's details ->
We now include some new predefined queries for VIP tickets, escalated tickets, and tickets with attached parts ->
We now display the name of the person and the date for Received/Returned parts on the Parts tab->
We have created new Customer Portal alias links that you can use for your automated emails and SMS messages: [@CustomerPortal_appointmentLink] and [@CustomerPortal_link] ->
You can now directly filter out inactive PUDOs in the list ->
You can now directly filter out inactive users in the list ->


We have improved the Timeline to indicate when there are overlapping tickets or PUDOs on the Timeline, and provide a pop-up allowing you to view each ticket or PUDO separately ->
You can now create value sets for the Device category and Device subcategory ->
You can now modify permissions for the partner page ->


Performance improvements result in a 3.5x faster Timeline experience ->


Removing the CNI now clears the whole page inside the Ticket Workflow steps menu in Fieldcode Admin Panel
We now display a clearer error message when attempting to save a skill with the same name inside the Skills menu in Fieldcode Admin Panel


Introducing container tickets! We are delighted to deliver you a new ticket type, called the container ticket. The container ticket gives you the option to schedule multiple engineers with multiple appointments on one ticket without having to create individual tickets for each appointment. With our new container tickets feature we also roll out the option to create child tickets ->
You can now view all of the details for each individual ticket in a pop-up window when a grouped ticket icon is displayed on the Map ->
When the Optimizer is running, a warning message and an icon will be displayed on the Timeline and in the Ticket Pool ->


We are introducing a more stable state handling on the Optimize process, making it easier to provide future expansion capabilities. Better support for multiple users, in the case of parallel usage, if another user takes over or discards the Optimize process, the other users will get this information with the name of the user ->
Now, when you try to take over the results of the optimization, we will display a warning message informing you of any tickets with fixed appointments that would be affected and moved back to the Ticket Pool if you take over the results. ->
The project list will be visible as a comparison value when selecting the project as the condition for the following menus: Access/Permissions - Process/Automated Actions - Process/Ticket Duration - Process/Groups - Dispatch/Skills - Dispatch/Ticket Scoring ->
You can now add an email when creating or editing a partner ->
You can now filter ticket durations by the Device model ->
You can now create variables that can be used for mapping ->
We have updated the sidebar UI for creating and mapping variables ->


Corrected UI issues when mapping inside the System connection menu inside the Fieldcode Admin Panel
Corrected deleting issues with the field logic filter inside the forms menu inside the Fieldcode Admin Panel


We have added the option to optimize the Timeline only ->
We have added the option to add an additional time zone to the Timeline ->
When a shipment tracking link is added to a part a clickable link will be available on the part's shipping information header ->
We have created a new self-help page, called "Ticket Workflow Monitoring", to support your team in monitoring ticket issues in the workflow where your dispatchers or help desk can go to and attempt to progress a stuck ticket, by sending it to an advanced step ->
You can now extend your existing conditions with additional checks to monitor the SLA field and/or the Subcategory field which has its own warning and critical timers ->


The new "Urgency" field has been added to the Ticket details overview section ->
You can click anywhere on the history log to open the details ->
Selected filters on the history tab will remain active when switching through tabs or switching through other tabbed tickets ->
We updated the filters to include an "in" operator for: Access/Permissions - Process/Automated Actions - Ticket Duration- Dispatch/Skills ->
You can now filter ticket durations by Device subcategory ->
The CNE will now be used as the reference number by default, however if there is no CNE for the ticket the CNI will be used ->


Improved performance in displaying the history ->


Fixed an issue where you were not able to optimize tickets for a single future day ->
Corrected an issue where the Scheduling Assistant would display a false LSDT violation when there wasn't one ->
Exporting tickets now works correctly when trying to download from the expert tab
Corrected display issues for the 2h, 4h durations on the Timeline ->
Entering a ZIP code is no longer mandatory to create a temporary location ->
We fixed issues that were causing crashing ->
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