Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

Enterprise Feature

This specific feature set is only available for customers with an Enterprise plan.

Learn more about how to upgrade your plan

Fieldcode Plus is a great way to extend Fieldcode by specific use cases, digitalize processes related to Field Service, or build fully featured solutions that are not or only partially related to Field Service, such as Asset Management, Contract Management, Partner Management, Surveys and Evaluations, Customer Self-Help processes, and other, almost unlimited, possibilities.

In this usage scenario, we want to demonstrate the range of functions, possibilities, and power of Fieldcode Plus by creating a Contract Management model together to get you more familiar with this exciting Feature.

Please be advised that adequate permissions must be set to access all the Fieldcode Plus-related features.

As usual, admins can access the full feature set by default, but you can configure access to your liking. Check the Permissions page for details.

Required Enterprise Permissions:

  • Admin panel/Navigation menu/Plus
  • Admin panel/Navigation menu/Automations
  • Work place/Plus
Click on image to expand/minimize
You would rather learn certain aspects of Fieldcode Plus without a specific use case?

Here is a link collection for Fieldcode Plus-related topics:

You can currently not create models without the help of the Fieldcode Support

We are currently still laying the groundwork for Plus, so please treat this topic as a pre-read. If you need Plus configured right now, please reach out to the Support.

Fieldcode Support

In the following sections, we guide you through the individual requirements and even additional steps you could pursue to cover a successful case of Fieldcode Plus. We will learn together how to model an object to a contract in Fieldcode and how to utilize it. In this guided scenario you will learn how to puzzle the pieces together to create your very first custom contract object.

Creating the contract model

To start working with custom objects, the first thing you need to do is create your object data model. The model defines the key characteristics of your custom object, the fields and potential relationships to other objects, and more. Later, you will define how these fields are populated and updated with values throughout the object’s lifecycle.

  1. Open the Admin panel and click on Models.
  2. Inside the Objects page click on the Plus button to configure your contract object.
  3. Enter the object name in the Parameters section and call it "contract".
  4. Enter "contractId" as a primary identifier.
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  1. What we do now, is to start to add the fields by clicking on the Plus button inside the middle section. 
  2. The fields you add should all be available inside the X-Pool and should all be searchable inside the X-Pool, therefore you activate both toggles
    The X-Pool is a custom component, which you will create later in the process (3.2).
  3. Let's create our first field!
    Enter "contractType" as a field name.
  4. Enter "Type of contract" as a field label.
  5. Select "Text" as a field type.
  6. Select "Select" as an input type.
  7. Select the "Multi-select" checkbox.
  8. Add a "Limited" value.
  9. Add a "Permanent" value.
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  1. (Optional) - If you want to go further, you can add more fields. For example, you could also add the fields on the right side as inspiration and make your model more robust. But you don't have to.
    Tip: You can check the (2.1) picture to "preview" if you are doing well with the creation of your fields.
  2. Click on Save. Congratulations! You have just successfully created your first object field! A contract, however, usually has many more fields, so for the sake of this scenario, we won't add all.
    Note before saving: You can only remove or edit fields from your model before pressing Save. Once the model has been saved, field settings can still be adjusted, and new fields can be added, but as of now, existing fields cannot be removed.
Click on image to expand/minimize

Please note that after clicking on Save, the system automatically creates the following for each new model:

  • Workflow: A basic workflow will be created with just one workflow node. You will need to continue configurations from there later on. For our scenario, the workflow name that will be created will be “CONTRACT_BASIC”.
  • Workflow status field: There is no need to add a Status field to your model, it’s generated automatically and will be used by the workflow. They are not visible on the frontend.
  • Project field: There is no need to add a Project field to your model, it’s generated automatically. They are not visible on the frontend.
  • Default form (with “Action type: CREATE”): This form contains all your object fields and if you don’t create a custom form, this default form will open when you create a new object record.
About the "Is available in the pool" and "Searchable" toggles
  • You can check the "Is available in the pool" toggle if you'd like to see this field as a table column later when you list the object records in the X-Pool in Work place. The field order you set inside Models determines the default table column order.
  • The "Searchable" parameter controls if the particular field is searchable by users inside the X-Pool search.

We now have the contract object in the system, and in the next step, we’re going to configure what’s needed to process contracts in the system. The following requirements should be met, depending on the purpose you want to achieve:
