Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

The Admin is the person who configures the Fieldcode system to meet the needs of a company.
The admin configures the Fieldcode system with the company’s business requirements in mind.

Basic Tasks

Please open the below links in a new tab (middle-mouse-click) if you want to work on this guide step-by-step.

1 - How to switch between applications
2 - How to create & edit projects
3 - How to create & edit users
4 - How to create & edit dispatch groups
5 - How to configure partners

Advanced Tasks

Please open the below links in a new tab (middle-mouse-click) if you want to work on this guide step-by-step.

1 - How to create & edit permissions
2 - How to setup automated dispatching
3 - How to setup Automated Actions
4 - How to establish a system connection
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