Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

Fieldcode Release Notes

Check out the release notes of 2020 in a chronicle order for Work Place, Admin Panel, and Customer Portal.


Users can now decide which date(s) to optimize, feedback also displaying during and after running the optimizer ->
Highlight selected tickets in Ticket Pool: When you have a single or multiple tickets tabbed the selected tabbed ticket will highlight the corresponding ticket in the Ticket Pool / Ticket Details ->
Ticket publishing and Optimization functionality redesigned: We have redesigned the Publish and Optimization buttons on the Timeline. We have added an undo option for both buttons. UNDO PUBLISHING: Choose the tickets you want to unpublish from the engineers Fieldcode mobile app UNDO OPTIMIZATION: Undo all the optimized tickets from the last time optimization ran ->
Location: map updates after user changes address ->


Safari: display issues for work place and admin panel ->
Click outside popup no longer closes window ->
Removed the X button from My settings ->
Simplified login process ->
Displayed Dispatch group will be persistent in Map after refresh ->
Map error message improved ->
Map stays disabled even after reloading in specific views ->
Skills are now displayed under the user details ->
Changed behavior ->
My queries: adjusted to Style Guide ->
Parts: display redesigned ->
Parts: corrected sort order behavior ->
Appointment cancel comment now displayed in INTERVENTION tab ->
Cancel pop-up redesigned ->
Email: changed the FROM input ->
Email: aliases have been corrected ->
Uploaded attachments now display without refresh ->
Attachments now display the file extension ->
Escalation reason form hint readjustment ->
Predefined tab now displays the user defined "Default Query" ->
Search label corrected ->
Prevent drag and drop in ticket pool - general/predefined/expert views ->
Change cursor while hovering over expand/shrink section icon ->
Dispatch group display link corrected ->
Scheduling Assistant: Block label color change behavior ->
Make columns icon sticky (stop it from moving during scrolling) ->
Escalation comments now display when mouse hovers over the icon ->
Escalation and VIP icons colors corrected ->
Active/inactive icon colors are reversed ->
Skills are now displayed under the user details ->
Scrollbar (vertical) visible all time if existing ->
Respond to screen size (use all space) ->
Cleaned up statuses for tickets after unpublish ->
Extending / resizing ticket duration/length now possible ->
Publish / Unpublish loading indicators corrected ->
Absences are clearly displayed when dragging tickets onto the Timeline ->
12 hour time format column behavior corrections ->
Avatars now display correctly ->
Drag and drop ticket on other ticket shows correct error message ->
Add translations for new user setting's options ->
Aliases names cleaned up ->
Actions: changed the FROM input ->
Added additional checks for action objects when mapping through data ->
Fieldcode favicon is now visible in dark mode ->
Area definition: adjusted map functionality ->
Resources: no longer duplicates assigned users ->
Resources: setting group to inactive now displays correctly ->
Resources: Dragging and dropping of users now works with search active ->
Resources: searches can now be cleared with "x" ->
My settings: removed the X button ->
Adjusted search bar width ->
Adjusted column sorting for datetime fields ->
Properly fits for all resolutions ->
PUDO's (PickUp and DropOff) locations can now be added ->
Overlay score points correct style ->
Location: country drop down corrected ->
Working hours & availability: loading issues corrected ->
Working hours & availability: Absences can now be deactivated ->
Absence: substitute search results adjusted ->
Location: drop down behavior corrected ->


Display when a ticket is grabbed in Ticket Pool properly: We have added a new time saving feature for the GRAB IT button in Ticket Details. When you press the GRAB IT button an icon will show on the ticket in the Ticket Pool which indicates that a user is currently busy with that ticket. A blue hand indicates that you have grabbed the ticket A black hand indicates that someone else has grabbed the ticket ->
Enable culture based units and display in work place / admin panel: You can customize your settings with your personal preferences for date & time formats and unit distance. You can find all the localization options under My settings in the top right corner of both the work place & admin panel. ->
Users can now add device details when opening a ticket ->
Enable culture based units and display in work place / admin panel ->
You can customize your settings with your personal preferences for date & time formats and unit distance ->
You can find all the localization options under My settings in the top right corner of both the work place & admin panel ->


Prevent unnecessary API calls from ticket table and Ticket Details ->
Fieldcode favicon not visible in dark mode ->
Tenant page is white screen in IE 11 ->
Resolution too small - screen breaks when opening work place / admin panel in e.g. mobile phone browser ->
Timeline calendar disappears when Ticket Details to high / Timeline smaller ->
Login screens keycloak not responsive - breaking views ->
Search bar includes X all the time ->
Map overlaps longer dropdown ->
My settings pop-up is now centered ->
Remove y-scrollbar in optimizer modal ->
Fix custom date changes ->
Display of condition/indication ->
Show search icons according to style guide in front of line ->
Display breaks with resizing ->
Sub navigation menu is showing without functionality ->
Ticket Details tabbed view - round edges ->
Choice of display is lost when leaving the history tab ->
Attachment name too long - view broken ->
Buttons vanish if you reopen the ticket ->
Ticket creation/Ticket details: line breaks in ticket creation not visible in ticket details ->
Resizing corrections ->
Permissions for General and Expert view are mixed up ->
Ticket Pool - PUBLISH - grid view has wrong data mapping for customer ->
Save column ordering and display settings even after refresh ->
Timeline component is missing spacing between edge and component ->
PUBLISH/UNPUBLISH popup does never close ->
Make the "Timeline start time" input wider ->
Workload indicator not displayed and updated ->
Avatar upload does nothing ->
Fix style ->
Automated Action name is missing as table column ->
Validation forces me to enter CC and BCC ->
Wrong validation after moving Action to main overlay ->
Condition and comparison value resolved wrongly ->
Resource availabilities are not updated on time when we remove a working day for the PUT request ->
Edge does not load page but returns a blank page ->
Validation error in condition form ->
Filter gets deleted if special characters are input but still success message ->
Make undo available only after initial change ->
Aliases not available in Subject and Body of Email templates ->
Name change in overlay does not change in list after save ->
Missing translations for error messages in all overlays ->
Overlay/Child Overlay behavior is not compliant with Style Guide ->
Banner messages stack and do not automatically disappear ->
Find the main cause for address is missing ->
No header for page: INDICATION ->
Wrong/missing translations for skills ->
Skills - Category creation ->
List shows description field but overlay does not ->
Name change is not applied to table view ->
Table menu ->
Minimum length of first/last name: allow 1 character as well ->
Skills: Skill added to one user is assigned to all ->
Working hours: Can not leave any day blank ->
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