Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

The Workflow buttons appear depending on the status the ticket is in and are therefore very context-sensitive.
Depending on the project and your access level (role), you may see different buttons.
Inside the Work Place go to Ticket Details → Click on the workflow button that is currently required for the ticket to proceed

The Workflow buttons row

What is the happy path?

Buttons that are highlighted in orange advise the currently suggested workflow -> called the happy path.

What is the exceptional path?

Buttons that are not highlighted advise exceptional steps in the workflow -> called the exceptional path.

What can be done with the pencil buttons?

Buttons with a pencil button allow you to edit ticket data/appointment data.

Workflow buttonResulting Action
COMSAllows you to put a Info on a ticket (visible in Ticket Info when setup), to send an email or emails to customers (Email templates) or to put a comment on a ticket
CANCEL TICKETCancels the ticket, no further actions with the ticket will be possible
CANCEL APPOINTMENTAllows you to cancel an appointment for unpublished tickets
CLOSECloses the ticket, no further actions with the ticket will be possible
CREATE INTERVENTION REPORTCreates a PDF file with intervention report and signature (if available) for download on tab attachments
CREATE INTERVENTION INFOCreates a PDF file with relevant service delivery data available for download on tab attachments
EDITAllows you to edit CONTACT, ADDRESS, DEVICE, DELIVERY data or if intervention is resolved already the REPORT data
NEW INTERVENTIONAllows you to schedule another intervention by moving ticket back to APPOINTMENT
REPORTAllows you to report the current intervention for unpublished tickets
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