Tip: You can use filters for better results
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- Cancel Appointments
- Clone Tickets
- Edit Privat Notes
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- Aliases Usage
- Workflow Settings
- What are Appearances in context of workflows?
- What are Buttons in context of workflows?
- What are Automations in context of workflows?
- What are Guides in context of workflows?
- What are Actions in context of workflows?
- Optimizer Settings
- Automations Section Explained
- Workflow Settings
- What are Actions in context of workflows?
- What are Guides in context of workflows?
- What are Automations in context of workflows?
- What are Buttons in context of workflows?
- What are Appearances in context of workflows?
- Workflow Monitoring
- Ticket Automated Actions
- Custom Object Automated Actions
- Conditions Settings
- Indications Settings
Fieldcode FMA app
Customer Portal
How to query tickets
- Search queries can be used to find tickets or a set of tickets in Work place.
- Queries can be used for a very granular search.
- Search queries can be combined with the aid of logical operators and can therefore help you to find very specific ticket clusters.
- Further below you can find a lot of hands-on examples to learn more about queries and to learn how to combine them with logical operators.
- The search query table at the bottom of this topic gives you the possibility to instantly copy & paste queries over to Work place.
Search query table
- affected:xy query types refer to ticket requestor data.
- currentIntervention:xy query types are only displaying results for the last appointment and not appointments that happened before.
- intervention:xy query types refer to appointment data.
- items:xy query types refer to part data.
- items.currentshipping:xy query types only display results for the last shipment and not shipments that happened before.
- You can use the search field inside the query table below to find a search query faster.
- You can sort ascending or descending by using the arrows inside the table.
- You can copy queries and paste them inside the Ticket Pool, just change the value according to your desired value.
- Please be advised that the technical time is used for date & time fields, therefore UTC. offset must be added or subtracted in the input for desired results to be displayed. Example: You are a dispatcher in a UTC+2 time zone and want to find a ticket with a particular LSDT time and date (eg. 01/08/2023 at 08:00). Instead of typing lsdt:202308010800, you would instead type lsdt:2023080600 to find the desired ticket.
- Please be advised that you can only search by numbers if you search for a particular CNI, CNE, or CNE Parent. If for example, your CNE would be cne:123455/3345 you could rather try to find this ticket by using the wildcard query cne:123456*.
- Please be advised that some queries search through the backend (e.g., enum, special IDs, etc.). The table below labels these as technical queries.
- Queries that search in the backend may search for terms that are not visible to end users within the applications.
Query | Field Label & Path | Description & Context | Data Type |
affectedAddressNote:"Fourth floor - first right" | Address note | string | |
affectedCity:Nuremberg | City | City | string |
affectedCompany:"DEMO GmbH" | Company | Company Name | string |
affectedCountryCode:DE | Country code | string | |
affectedCountryName:Germany | Country | Country | string |
affectedMail1:"manualwriters@live.com" | Primary customer email | string | |
affectedMail2:"manualwriters@live.com" | Secondary customer email | string | |
affectedPhone1:“00391233456“ | Primary customer phone number | string | |
affectedPhone2:“0039-1233456“ | Secondary customer phone number | string | |
affectedSite:“DEMO CORP Ltd.“ | Site address | On-site address | string |
affectedState:Texas | State | State | string |
affectedStreet:Tucherstrasse | Street name | string | |
affectedStreetNumber:"13" | Street number | string | |
affectedTimezoneId:“Europe/Berlin" | Timezone ID | Timezone Identifier text eg. "Africa/Juba" | string |
affectedUser:“John Doe“ | Contact person; Customer name; End user name | Contact person; Customer name; End user name | string |
affectedZip:90409 | ZIP code | string | |
assetTag:“example tag“ | Asset tag | string | |
category:"Installation, Move, Add, Change, and Disposal" | Category | Ticket Category, eg. "Break and fix" | string |
categoryConstantDisplayText:ANYTEXT | Category label | Category Label text which is displayed inside the picker in the Ticket creation form, eg. "Ticket category*" | string |
clipboard:true | Clipboard | Tickets which are inside the Ticket Clipboard | boolean |
closed:202306020800 | Closed | The closure date of a ticket is the reference for this search field, eg. 02/06/2023 08:00 | string($date-time) |
cne:10982446 | Call Number External | CNE | integer($int32) |
cneParent:10982447 | Call Number External Parent | CNE Parent | integer($int32) |
cni:10982448 | Call Number Internal | CNI | integer($int32) |
conditions.constantDescription:ANYTEXT | Description (Conditions) | The condition description text value of a ticket with condition is the reference for this search | string |
conditions.constantEnumeration:ANYTEXT | Constant Enumeration (Conditions) | The constant enumeration is a internal representation value that is used to map conditions, eg. "BREAK_FIX" | string |
conditions.criticalTime:202306020800 | Critical time (Conditions) | The critical time of a ticket with condition, eg. 02/06/2023 08:00 (UTC time offset must be added or subtracted in the input in order for desired results to be displayed) | string($date-time) |
conditions.id:45 | ID (Conditions) | integer($int64) | |
conditions.warnTime:202306020800 | Warning time (Conditions) | The warning time of a ticket with condition, eg. 02/06/2023 08:00 (UTC time offset must be added or subtracted in the input in order for desired results to be displayed) | string($date-time) |
container:true | Container | Tickets which are container tickets | boolean |
containerId:237 | Container ID | Tickets which are child tickets | integer($int64) |
creation:202306020800 | Creation | The creation date is the reference for this search field, eg. 02/06/2023 08:00 | string($date-time) |
currentIntervention.appointment.cancelComment:ANYTEXT | Cancel comment (Appointment/Current intervention | string | |
currentIntervention.appointment.canceled:true | Canceled (Appointment/Current intervention) | boolean | |
currentIntervention.appointment.cancelReason:ANYTEXT | Cancel reason (Appointment/Current intervention | string | |
currentIntervention.appointment.comment:ANYTEXT | Comment (Appointment/Current intervention) | string | |
currentIntervention.appointment.dispatched:true | Dispatched (Appointment/Current intervention) | Tickets which have been published | boolean |
currentIntervention.appointment.dispatchedFrom:20230602 | Dispatched From (Appointment/Current intervention) | string($date-time) | |
currentIntervention.appointment.dispatchedTo:20230602 | Dispatched To (Appointment/Current intervention) | string($date-time) | |
currentIntervention.appointment.dispatchGroup:Nuremberg | Dispatch Group (Appointment/Current Intervention) | Dispatch Group | string |
currentIntervention.appointment.fixedFrom:20230602 | Fixed From (Appointment/Current intervention) | string($date-time) | |
currentIntervention.appointment.fixedTo:20230602 | Fixed To (Appointment/Current intervention) | string($date-time) | |
currentIntervention.appointment.id:451 | ID (Appointment/Current intervention) | integer($int64) | |
currentIntervention.appointment.isFixedResource:true | Engineer; Technician; Is locked (Appointment/Current intervention) | Tickets with locked engineer | boolean |
currentIntervention.appointment.locked:true | Locked Appointment (Appointment/Current intervention) | Tickets where the appointment has been locked on the Timeline and cannot be touched by the Optimizer | boolean |
currentIntervention.appointment.preferredFrom:20230602 | Preferred From (Appointment/Current intervention) | string($date-time) | |
currentIntervention.appointment.preferredTo:20230602 | Preferred To (Appointment/Current intervention) | string($date-time) | |
currentIntervention.appointment.proposedFrom:20230602 | Proposed From (Appointment/Current intervention) | string($date-time) | |
currentIntervention.appointment.proposedTo:20230602 | Proposed To (Appointment/Current intervention) | string($date-time) | |
currentIntervention.appointment.status:ANYTEXT | Status (Appointment/ Current intervention) | Tickets with a particular workflow status | string |
currentIntervention.appointment.undispatched:true | Undispatched (Appointment/Current intervention) | boolean | |
currentIntervention.appointment.undispatchedV2:true | Undispatched V2 (Appointment/Current intervention) | boolean | |
currentIntervention.appointment.userId:ANYTEXT | User ID (Appointment /Current intervention) | Technical query | string |
currentIntervention.appointment.userName:"Ralph Smuthers" | User name (Appointment/Current intervention) | Tickets by assigned engineer, technician name | string |
currentIntervention.duration:? | Duration (Current intervention) | Tickets by duration (in seconds) | integer($int32) |
currentIntervention.durationEnd:202306020800 | Duration end (Current intervention) | The duration end is the reference for this search field, eg. 02/06/2023 08:00 | string($date-time) |
currentIntervention.durationStart:202306020800 | Duration start (Current intervention) | The duration start is the reference for this search field, eg. 02/06/2023 08:00 | string($date-time) |
currentIntervention.durationType:ANYTEXT | Duration type (Current intervention) | string | |
currentIntervention.lsdtMiss:true | LSDT Miss (Current intervention) | Tickets where the LSDT has been missed | boolean |
currentIntervention.reportingSuccessful:true | Reporting successful (Current intervention) | Tickets where the Reporting was succesful | boolean |
currentIntervention.reportingUserId:34 | Reporting user ID (Current intervention) | string | |
currentIntervention.reportingUserName:"John Doe" | Reporting user name (Current intervention) | string | |
currentIntervention.reportingWorkNote:ANYTEXT | Reporting work note (Current intervention) | string | |
description:ANYTEXT | Description | Tickets with a particular ticket description | string |
deviceCategory:Desktop | Device Category | Device Category | string |
directConnections.directConnectionHealth:ANYTEXT | System connection health (System connections) | string | |
directConnections.directConnectionStatus:ANYTEXT | System connection status (System connections) | string | |
directConnections.directConnectionSystemName:ANYTEXT | System connection status name (System connections) | string | |
directConnectionStatus:ANYTEXT | System connection status (System connection) | string | |
directConnectionSystemName:ANYTEXT | System connection system name | string | |
dispatchGroups.id:UUID | ID (Dispatch groups) | Technical query | string |
dispatchStatuses.appointment:20230602 | Appointment (Dispatch statuses) | Tickets which are in status "Appointment" | integer($int32) |
dispatchStatuses.executionDelayStart:20230602 | Delay start (Dispatch statuses) | string($date-time) | |
dispatchStatuses.id:ANYTEXT | ID (Dispatch statuses) | Technical query | string |
dispatchStatuses.nonExecutionRiskStart:20230602 | Non execution risk start (Dispatch statuses) | Technical query | string($date-time) |
dispatchStatuses.status:ANYTEXT | Status (Dispatch statuses) | Technical query | string |
errorCode:A23527ASEEE0 | Error code | Error Code | string |
escalation:true | Escalation | Escalation flagged tickets | boolean |
escalationReason:ANYTEXT | Escalation reason | string | |
esdt:202306020800 | Earliest Service Delivery Time | The Earliest Service Delivery Time is the reference for this search field, eg. 02/06/2023 08:00 | string($date-time) |
estimatedDuration:202306020800 | Estimated duration | The estimated duration is the reference for this search field, eg. 02/06/2023 08:00 | integer($int32) |
geolocation.lat: "49.454420" | Latitude (Geolocation) | number($double) | |
geolocation.lon:"54.031372" | Longitude (Geolocation) | number($double) | |
hostname:ANYTEXT | Hostname | string | |
id:43621 | ID | integer($int64) | |
indications.constantDescription:ANYTEXT | Constant description (Indications) | string | |
indications.constantEnumeration:ANYTEXT | Constant enumeration (Indications) | string | |
indications.id:146 | ID (Indications) | integer($int64) | |
indications.isCritical:true | Critical (Indications) | Critical flagged tickets (Info/Alert/Part) | boolean |
indications.isInfo:true | Info (Indications) | Info flagged tickets (Info/Alert/Part) | boolean |
indications.isWarning:true | Warning -> Indications | Warning flagged tickets (Info/Alert/Part) | boolean |
interventions.appointments.cancelComment:ANYTEXT | Cancel comment (Appointments/ Interventions) | string | |
interventions.appointments.canceled:true | Canceled (Appointments/Interventions) | boolean | |
interventions.appointments.cancelReason:ANYTEXT | Cancel reason ( Appointments/Interventions) | string | |
interventions.appointments.comment:ANYTEXT | Comment (Appointments /Interventions) | string | |
interventions.appointments.dispatched:true | Dispatched (Appointments /Interventions) | boolean | |
interventions.appointments.dispatchedFrom:20230602 | Dispatched from (Appointments /Interventions) | string($date-time) | |
interventions.appointments.dispatchedTo:20230602 | Dispatched to (Appointments /Interventions) | string($date-time) | |
interventions.appointments.dispatchGroup:ANYTEXT | Dispatch groups (Appointments /Interventions) | string | |
interventions.appointments.fixedFrom:20230602 | Fixed from (Appointments/ Interventions) | string($date-time) | |
interventions.appointments.fixedTo:20230602 | Fixed to (Appointments/Interventions) | Fixed to date | string($date-time) |
interventions.appointments.id:6743 | ID (Appointments /Interventions) | integer($int64) | |
interventions.appointments.isFixedResource:true | Locked resource; locked engineer, locked technician (Appointments/Interventions) | boolean | |
interventions.appointments.locked:true | Locked Appointments (Appointments/Interventions) | boolean | |
interventions.appointments.preferredFrom:20230602 | Preferred from Appointments/Interventions) | string($date-time) | |
interventions.appointments.preferredTo:20230602 | Preferred to (Appointments/Interventions) | string($date-time) | |
interventions.appointments.proposedFrom:20230602 | Proposed from (Appointments/Interventions) | string($date-time) | |
interventions.appointments.proposedTo:20230602 | Proposed to (Appointments/Interventions) | string($date-time) | |
interventions.appointments.status:ANYTEXT | Status (Appointments /Interventions) | string | |
interventions.appointments.undispatched:true | Undispatched (Appointments/Interventions) | boolean | |
interventions.appointments.undispatchedV2:true | Undispatched V2 /Appointments/Interventions) | boolean | |
interventions.appointments.userId:ANYTEXT | User ID (Appointments/Interventions) | string | |
interventions.appointments.userName:ANYTEXT | User name (Appointments/Interventions) | string | |
interventions.durations.duration:20230602 | Duration (Durations/Interventions) | string($date-time) | |
interventions.durations.end:20230602 | End (Durations/Interventions) | string($date-time) | |
interventions.durations.start:20230602 | Start (Durations/ Interventions) | string($date-time) | |
interventions.durations.type:20230602 | Type (Durations/Interventions) | string($date-time) | |
interventions.id:235425 | ID (Interventions) | integer($int64) | |
interventions.lsdtMiss:true | LSDT miss (Interventions) | boolean | |
interventions.reportingSuccessful:true | Reporting successful (Interventions) | boolean | |
interventions.reportingUserId:ANYTEXT | Reporting user ID (Interventions) | string | |
interventions.reportingUserName:ANYTEXT | Reporting user name (Interventions) | string | |
interventions.reportingWorkNote:ANYTEXT | Reporting work note (Interventions) | string | |
inWarranty:true | In warranty | boolean | |
isInfoInProgress:true | Info (In Progress) | Tickets which have a ticket info | boolean |
items.condition:ANYTEXT | Condition (Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.addressNote:ANYTEXT | Address note (Current shipping/ Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.city:ANYTEXT | City (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.comment:ANYTEXT | Comment (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.company:ANYTEXT | Company (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.country:ANYTEXT | Country (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.countryCode:ANYTEXT | Country code (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.deliveryServiceUrl:ANYTEXT | Delivery service URL (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.deliveryType:ANYTEXT | Delivery type | string | |
items.currentShipping.estimatedDate:20230602 | Estimated date (Current shipping/Parts) | string($date-time) | |
items.currentShipping.id:ANYTEXT | ID (Current shipping/ Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.notReceivedBy:ANYTEXT | Received by (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.notReceivedDate:20230602 | Not received date (Current shipping/Parts) | string($date-time) | |
items.currentShipping.notReceivedReason:ANYTEXT | Not received reason (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.pudo:ANYTEXT | PUDO (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.receivedBy:ANYTEXT | Received by (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.receivedDate:20230602 | Received date (Current shipping/Parts) | string($date-time) | |
items.currentShipping.returnedBy:ANYTEXT | Returned by (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.returnedDate:20230602 | Returned date (Current shipping/Parts) | string($date-time) | |
items.currentShipping.shipped:true | Shipped (Current shipping/Parts) | boolean | |
items.currentShipping.shippingDate:20230602 | Shipping date (Current shipping/Parts) | string($date-time) | |
items.currentShipping.shippingPartner:ANYTEXT | Shipping partner (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.shippmentCondition:ANYTEXT | Shipment condition (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.startingDate:20230602 | Starting date (Current shipping/Parts) | string($date-time) | |
items.currentShipping.state:ANYTEXT | State (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.street:ANYTEXT | Street (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.streetNumber:ANYTEXT | Street number (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.trackingCode:ANYTEXT | Tracking code (Current shipping/Parts) | string | |
items.currentShipping.zip:ANYTEXT | ZIP (Current shipping /Parts) | string | |
items.description:ANYTEXT | Description (Parts) | string | |
items.entryId:ANYTEXT | Entry ID (Parts) | string | |
items.externalStatus:ANYTEXT | External status (Parts) | string | |
items.failureCode:ANYTEXT | Failure code (Parts) | string | |
items.id:ANYTEXT | ID (Parts) | string | |
items.manufacturer:ANYTEXT | Manufacturer (Parts) | string | |
items.name:ANYTEXT | Name (Parts) | string | |
items.orderNumber:ANYTEXT | Order number (Parts) | string | |
items.orderNumberLineItem:ANYTEXT | Order number line item (Parts) | string | |
items.partNumber:ANYTEXT | Part number (Parts) | string | |
items.quantity:5 | Quantity; Sum; Total (Parts) | integer($int32) | |
items.reference:ANYTEXT | Reference (Parts) | string | |
items.replacedSerial:ANYTEXT | Replaced serial (Parts) | string | |
items.serial:ANYTEXT | Serial (Parts) | string | |
items.status:ANYTEXT | Status (Parts) | string | |
items.type:ANYTEXT | Type (Parts) | string | |
items.usage:ANYTEXT | Usage (Parts) | string | |
lsdt:202306020800 | Latest Service Delivery Time | The Latest Service Delivery Time is the reference for this search field, eg. 02/06/2023 08:00 | string($date-time) |
mac:ANYTEXT | Mac | string | |
manufacturerName:ANYTEXT | Manufacturer name | string | |
model:"MacBook Air M2" | Model | Device | string |
multiUndispatched:true | Multi undispatched | boolean | |
note:ANYTEXT | Note | string | |
os:ANYTEXT | OS | string | |
outsourced:true | Outsourced; Partner | boolean | |
outSourcingName:ANYTEXT | Outsourcing name | string | |
outsourcingType:ANYTEXT | Outsourcing type | string | |
outsourcingValue:ANYTEXT | Outsourcing value | string | |
partner:ANYTEXT | Partner | string | |
partnerName:"Dubbing brothers" | Partner name | Partner name | string |
priority:2 | Priority | integer($int32) | |
productLine:ANYTEXT | Product line | string | |
project:"MyFirstProject" | Project | Project | string |
projectId:2 | Project ID | integer($int32) | |
score:97 | Score | Score | string |
serial:ANYTEXT | Serial | string | |
serialProvided:ANYTEXT | Serial provided | string | |
shortDescription:ANYTEXT | Short description | string | |
skills.id:ANYTEXT | ID (Skills) | string |
skills.level:1 | Level (Skills) | integer($int64) | |
skills.name:ANYTEXT | Name (Skills) | string | |
skills.weight:3 | Weight (Skills) | number($double) | |
sla:ANYTEXT | SLA | SLA | string |
slaEnumeration:ANYTEXT | SLA enumeration | string | |
sourceConstantDisplayText:ANYTEXT | Display text (Ticket source) | string | |
sourceConstantEnumeration:ANYTEXT | Enumeration (Ticket source) | string | |
specificationReference:ANYTEXT | Specification reference | string | |
status:"PENDING WAIT ONSITE" | Status | Tickets by status | string |
subCategory:Standard | Subcategory | Tickets by Ticket Subcategory | string |
supplier:ANYTEXT | Supplier | string | |
testTicket:true | Test ticket | boolean | |
optimizable:true | Optimizable (Overview) | Tickets by optimizability | boolean |
type:ANYTEXT | Type | string | |
userId:ANYTEXT | User ID | Technical query | string |
userName:"Ralph Smuthers" | User name | Tickets by users who grabbed a ticket | string |
vip:true | VIP | VIP flagged tickets (Info/Alert/Part) | boolean |
warrantyType:ANYTEXT | Warranty type | string | |
wrongSerialProvided:true | Wrong serial provided | boolean |
FAQ - Search queries
You can try to find tickets with a specific keyword by just typing a keyword inside the search field.
This can prove particularly useful if for any reason you cannot find a matching query or you just need some fast results.
The elastic search will then do it's best to display results with all tickets that contain your keyword.
Let's assume you want to find all tickets which have the value "unicorn" somewhere entered:
You can also take this further to find all tickets that particularly do not contain this value by using the - symbol.
We currently utilize the following data types in our search.
String: The string data type stores any kind of text data (including numbers).
Boolean: The boolean value TRUE or FALSE.
Date: Date fields have a predetermined size and format. They can be defined on the definition specification. We use the following specification inside our search: YYYYMMDDHHMM or the shorter one YYYYMMDD or YYYYMM
UUID: Universal Unique Identifier, commonly used for unique IDs (eg. reportingUserId).
Integer: The integer data type stores whole numbers that range from -2147483647 to 2147483647 for 9 or 10 digits of precision.
Double: A double-precision floating-point number is a long floating-point number of 64 bits.
Yes, you can!
If you like a query and you want to use it more frequently you can save it for further usage.
Learn more in the My queries topic.
If you want to search for a text value (data type: STRING) like eg. name of company, country code, city name, project etc. then normally you have to put the values between quotation marks. If it's just one word you don't have to use quotations, you can instead refrain from using quotations:
You don't have to use quotations if it's one word without spaces. However, when you have spaces between the word, it is recommended to use them:
project:"My second project"
If you want to insert a numeric value (data type: STRING) like for example the CNI number of a ticket do as follows:
Also good to know - always try to use the correct spelling for the queries - otherwise results may not appear.
Incorrect spelling
Correct spelling
If you want to two or more values you should use rounded brackets and a connector like AND or OR.
The OR operator displays results with at least one value fulfilled.
affectedCountryCode:(DE OR PL OR GR)
The AND operator displays results with all values fulfilled.
category:("Break and fix" AND cni.sort:[5 to 8])
If you want to search for a ticket with multiple conditions you can use operators as OR, AND; TO or NOT etc. pp.
Be advised that the operator NOT is always put before the alias:
NOT category: "Break and fix"
A more complex combined query example:
category:("Standard" AND appointmentFixedFrom:[202105 TO 202110])
Another complex combined query example:
category:("Break and fix" AND cni.sort:[5 to 8])
If you want to search for a range of tickets you have to use brackets and the word TO as a connector:
appointmentFixedTo:[202105 TO 202110]
The following format is used especially for the date type fields in order for results to be displayed:
YYYYMMDDHHMM = Year, Month, Day, Hours, and Minutes
The shorter format YYYYMMDD or YYYYMM also works for the query search.
Please be advised that searching for ranges only works with the data type date.
If you want to search for tickets in a particular status you can just use the matching query:
Searching for two statuses at once is also easily possible:
You can also use NOT to search for specific filter elements according to the exclusion principle:
NOT status: canceled
You can also search for multiple status at once, just use the correct syntax:
You can use the simple lsdt query to find tickets for a particular date:
If you want to search for tickets within specific dates you can use the time operators YEAR, HOURS, SECONDS and the query NOW to find the ticket:
You can also use mathematical symbols to find a particular set of tickets:
Above alias will search for tickets that were last updated before the 02.06.2023.
It won't display tickets after this date.
Please be advised that the technical time is taken, therefore UTC time offset must be added or subtracted in the input for results to be actually displayed.
Example: You are a dispatcher in a UTC+2 time zone and want to find a ticket with a particular LSDT time and date (eg. 01/08/2023 at 08:00).
Instead of typing lsdt:202308010800, you would instead type lsdt:2023080600 to find the desired ticket.
If you want to search for any value written inside a field you have to use the _exists_ prefix and then the actual search object:
This search query will display all tickets where values are written inside the field.
If you want to search for empty fields you have to use the NOT prefix before the _exists_ prefix and then the actual search object:
NOT _exists_:city
This search query will display all tickets where empty values are written inside the field.
In our example, the query will display all tickets that have particularly nothing written inside the city field.
This search query could be very helpful in case somebody has forgotten to fill in a field, and you want to find those affected tickets for example.
The following mathematical symbols are supported throughout search fields:
<; >; <=
Let's say you want to find tickets with the help of mathematical symbols.
What you could do in this case is to go by the data type date and using the query lsdt to find only tickets before a selected LSDT.
Yes! With the small limitation that it just works for text and numbers.
Let's say you want to find tickets with contact persons, where you don't know the exact spelling. You know the persons' name starts with a "ki" and ends with a "y". What you could do in this case is the following:
This will display you all tickets with the variation of the name, doesn't matter if our person is named: Kimchy, Kilaory or Kitty. The search will display them all.
The same principle goes for numbers. Let's say you don't know the last digit of the CNI's so you decide to browse through all of them to find your right ticket.
This will display you all tickets with the CNI numbers between 130 and 139 and the ticket with CNI 13 (because the star doesn't have to mean a number necessarily).
4.5 out of 5 stars
1 rating
5 Stars | 0% | |
4 Stars | 100% | |
3 Stars | 0% | |
2 Stars | 0% | |
1 Stars | 0% |