Fieldcode Manual

Tip: You can use filters for better results

You can manage availabilities in two ways, either directly from the Timeline or from the Fieldcode Admin Panel inside the Users menu.
Let’s have a look at how to do it from the Timeline.

  1. Open the context menu of a particular engineer.
  2. Click on Manage availability.
Left-click on the highlighted button to open the context menu.
Managing availabilities is possible inside Work Place and inside the Admin Panel

You can either manage availabilities for your users from Admin Panel -> Users -> Absences & Availability tab or inside Work Place inside the Timeline.

Learn more about how to manage availabilities inside Admin Panel

Configuring absences from the Timeline

  1. Click on ADD NEW AVAILABILITY in the top-right corner to freely select the time, or click on a free spot in the calendar to have the time already pre-filled.
  2. Select the availability type absence.
  3. (Optional) – Toggle the All day availability toggle to create an absence for the whole day.
  4. (Optional) – Toggle the Multiple day toggle to create an absence over more days.
  5. Enter From and To times.
  6. Select a substitute from the dropdown that will fill in the position for this day.
  7. Select the matching absence type.
  8. Describe the reason for the absence.
  9. (Optional) – Provide a reason for the absence. The reason will be conveniently displayed on the Timeline afterward.
  10. Click on SAVE.
Absence tooltip

Configuring on-call duties from the Timeline

  1. Click on ADD NEW AVAILABILITY in the top-right corner to freely select the time, or click on a free spot in the calendar to have the time already pre-filled.
  2. Select the availability type on-call duty.
  3.  (Optional) – Toggle the All day availability toggle to create an on-call duty for the whole day.
  4. (Optional) – Toggle the Multiple day toggle to create an on-call duty over more days.
  5.  Enter From and To times.
  6. (Optional) – Provide a comment for the on-call duty. The comment will be conveniently displayed on the Timeline afterward.
  7. Click on SAVE.
On-call duty tooltip
Managing an availability
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